There must be something in the water of France which makes people wise. Commenting on yesterday's post, French Patrick (Your French Patrick) noted, quite rightly, that the U.S. is one of the most sexualized countries in the industrial world, yet we still are so hung-up about male nudity.
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Then, Faithful Reader Jean, who is vacationing in France right now, suggests that perhaps the issue stems from men's insecurities (so many issues arise from this). Thus the thought of seeing other men naked frightens them; perhaps it's fear of popping a woody and being labeled because of it.
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And, let's face it guys, most of us - if we aren't "hung" - worry about cock size.
But we must also face the fact that we come in all shapes and sizes; long and skinny, long and fat; short and fat, short and skinny. Some of are "growers" - meaning they'll more than double in length and girth - with a boner; some are "showers" - meaning they'll approximately (maybe more, maybe less) double with a hard-on.
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Getting a boner - no matter where one is - should be no cause for concern.
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The more we accept that all men have them, learn the natural physiological function of them, and accept the variation in size, the more comfortable we'll become as a society.
As one broadcast network puts it, "The more we know."
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Have a terrific weekend!
hope to have a terrific sexual weekend!
and i wish the same to you!
Such good advice, as ever! Great photos too. Even in the gay saunas (bath houses)gay men wear towels! WHY? Some have "TOWELLESS NIGHTS" or "TOP LEVEL TOWELLESS"! I'm not "hung like a horse" but I always thought "It pays to advertise"! Just let it all hang loose! And if you get a boner so what! Hugs Dear Friend, Patrick
Awesome post, brother. It has taken me a long time to be comfy showing my penis before others - for all the reasons you mentioned - and like you, one day I decided - hey! it's just a penis and I am proud of mine and enjoy having one. Thanks for your promotion of healthy attitudes with our bodies and our sexuality. Wishing you a jizztastic weekend! Hugs and Strokes, AOM
Water and wise both start by W, but wine and wise have three letters out of four in common.
You know the latin maxim: "in vino veritas" (The truth is in the wine)?
@ Jean,
No my dear, I am very far from being always sitting at my computer! Why this strange hypothesis? I have an adopted son, two grandsons, (and even a lover) and I am in the real life up to my eyeballs. But now that we have reached the stage of exchanging our secrets, let me know (if you please) if, being in France, you like to eat snails and frog's legs. At least, if you tried. Take care, my dear, it is an unfair, a lob, a trick question.
Have a wondrous weekend, with a lot of bisous 2U2.
I have no idea why any guy would be embarrassed....a hard cock is one of the most beautiful things.
You are so right Pat, you never see a guy with a tape measure unless he has an exceptional penis. I can imagine the grief a boy/man gets when they are on the short side of average. I had never heard of a micropenis before you covered it.
@ French Patrick, you are so right, I had a good laugh, it was just a tease!. Yes, I agree, you are the last person I could see stuck in front of a pc! Love the snails, I've had frog legs years ago in the US, but can't bring myself to try the steak tatare with the raw egg! my favorite is rabbit, big on the neighborhood menus.
One of things that I love about going to the Rock River swimming hole in VT (but not this wintry weekend!) is that every single man has a penis. The occasional hardon is a special treat but they are wonderful is all of their variety!
I had a lot of penis shame when I was a teenager - the result of being teased about my "down-turned dork" when I proudly showed it to my buddies when I was 14. Now I think that was because it was probably considerably thicker and longer than theirs and they needed to put me down somehow. I never saw any of them hard - one of the consequences of hanging out with straight boys in the 1950's. When I started coming out as a gay man I got a lot more appreciation, and after doing some Body Electric workshops I became very comfortable showing cock. World Naked Bike Rides through Boston are a further expansion in my 70's!
And seeing all the pix you find and post is another joy!
Have a bonerlicous weekend!
Yup, "only"... Haha. :D
Anyways, #9 could always get it, that dude is still gorgeous to me. Even tho that's Photoshopped, I don't mind at all. xD
@ Pat:
My love, it's you, not me who said that there must be something in France which makes people wise. Anyhow, somebody who is really wise will never say or even think that he is himself wise. But, you know, it's not that difficult to be wise: it is enough to think of something stupid and then to say the opposite.
@ Jean:
"You never see a guy with a tape measure unless he has an exceptional penis." You are both right and wrong: that doesn't mean that the others could not care less about the length of their cock, but it is obvious that when they are dissatisfied with this length, then they will not shoot and publish a photo of their tool.
It is stupid, but that is the way it is. It is also what explains that they try to build towers of more than one thousand meters high to be proud of this erected phallic symbol. LOL, the women are wiser, this is evidenced by that we have never seen a woman undertaking the digging of a hole of more than one thousand meters.
I am happy that you love the snails. It was a tricky question because otherwise I would have told you that you are prejudiced and that that disqualifies you to judge the stupid modesty of those who are afraid of being seen naked because of their prejudices (in the two meanings of this word).
As regards the steak tartare (and not tatare) it is very good when it is very very well made. We need a very fresh meat of a superior quality taken out of the best pieces, with so little fat as possible and which must be cut very very finely in very tiny pieces while too often we content with crossing it in a chopper because that goes faster and because it is less tiring.
As regards the frogs'legs it depend a lot of which kind of frogs we cook. Those who come from Egypt are not good, those who come from the Eastern Europe are mediocre, those who come from France are very good but very rare.
LOL, I have well said frogs and not froggies, it is completely different.
Hugs and kisses 2U2
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