Thursday, May 11, 2017

Complicated Things

I'm running way late today from the follow-up with the Urologist. How fun is that? Well, not so much. We have alternatives, but they don't sound like fun, and they don't guarantee to completely resolve things.
The Varicocele on the left is getting worse and the flare-ups happen more frequently. Can he - will he - do surgery? Yes. He's willing, but he reports that many patients still experience pain afterward. Well, what's the point? I have to think on this one.

The blood in the urine could be caused by cysts in the bladder - there's no sign of cancer anywhere. So that's the good news. Now, the only way to determine if there are cysts is to do a cystoscopy.... Under general anesthesia, they snake a tube up into and fill the bladder, drain it, fill it again, drain it again and then scope around. If cysts are found, he can scrape them off, and then put me on medication. The meds take about 12 months to work. That is if they don't interact with the stuff I'm already on from the Neurologist. So, I gotta think about this one, too.

The balls trying to crawl up inside the abdomen, and yanking up with such force when I cum - - 
 even though I try to hold them down as I shoot
well, those are most certainly tied to the M.D. As are the muscle cramps along the perineum. So, both issues are being kicked back to the Neurologist.
Cocks and balls
are extremely complicated things....


Xersex said...

surgery could be a solution!

SickoRicko said...

I am so, so sorry that you have to go through all of this! You have a terribly lot to think about, makes my troubles pale.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear of your problems! Do take care! Rest up this weekend! Leo Maximus was a French "artist" and did a lot of similar work to what I've posted. The interesting thing is that he never showed the penis! Seems to have been very popular in Europe!
I've scheduled posts for today as I will be away at the time I usually post!

Your French Patrick said...

My dear Pat, I'm sending all of my hope to you so that all your problems end well as soon as possible.
Love, hugs and bisous, my darlins Jean and Pat.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all best, bro. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

Mistress Maddie said...

I wish you much on making the right decisions. Alas, having never been through it, I have no advice except to give you positive words and you'll be in my thoughts. It is such a intricate system to tinker with.

Fullmoonma said...

I think it's only when things stop working together in perfect harmony that you appreciate how complicated the body is and what a gift it is for it to function. I feel lucky that the current malfunctions of my body appear to be relatively minor and there are work-arounds so I can stay active - which reminds me that I haven't masturbated for 12 hours and need to get back to cock!

Anonymous said...

Dear Pat, thank you for sharing your medical situation. There are a lot of us pulling for you and we are interested in your journey. Praying for wisdom for you in knowing what to do.

Marco said...

Loved it!

whkattk said...

@ Anon - Thank you so much. I share so that others who may be faced with these issues know they are not alone, and understand that there aren't always easy answers.

Marco said...

Sorry about my pervious comment.
It was about the pictures.
Only now I read the text.
Wish you the best.

whkattk said...

@ Marco - I figured that you were commenting on the pictures. LOL. Thank you, though!