More about pre-cum... All you straight guys out there need to be fully aware: Pre-cum can contain sperm!
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How many surprise pre-cum pregnancies have been a result of guys trading hand jobs with their girlfriends? Mutual masturbation is a wonderful way to enjoy the pleasures without penetrative activity. And, many marriage counselors and sex therapists will recommend it to couples.
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But, guys, keep in mind that hand, or those fingers drenched in pre-cum can transfer live, healthy sperm when you decide to offer your assistance to your partner.
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Frottage is another great way to enjoy sexual activity without worries of pregnancy or contracting STDs (now cited as Sexually Transmitted Infections; STIs).
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Again, remember that the closer your cock gets to the vagina the greater the chance of sperm entering without plunging in your cock.
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It would be a very good idea to use some spermicide cream before the fun begins. Either that, or use a condom
- yes, even to play without penetration.
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How often do you watch where your cum goes when you blast off?
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It won't always go exactly where you've pointed your cock
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It can shoot farther than you might imagine.
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And splatter.
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Very good advice for the straight men.
At least that is one thing I don't have to worry about...getting anyone pregnant.
I knew precum can contain sperm as well, so in vagine it can be "dangerous"
Yes! I've heard that! "But I never penetrated"! Thanks for your continued visits and comments! Hugs!
Ahhh! Very excellent info and masturbating together is a fabulous intimate pleasure. Wishing you a most glorious day, bro. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
Life is full of surprises. A box of chocolates. Hug and bisous.
@ Jean - LOL. Yes, ma'am.... And, I have a cousin who proved it at age 15. Sadly, she didn't warn that daughter, and became a grandmother at age 32. Yikes!
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