Friday, April 5, 2019

Living Without

From Incels to DIY chemical castration in one week. The article, from MEL magazine, points out a growing community of sexually unsatisfied men who would rather severely diminish the libido than living without a sex partner.

Chemical castration used in many countries, as a way to punish sex offenders, has been found to reduce recidivism (re-offending) to as much as 2%. It's an oral or injectable medication, administered by a physician to block testosterone production. 
Once the medication wears off, the boners and sex drive return.
But, what happens in the meantime isn't necessarily pleasant. The side effects can be harsh: Hot flashes.night sweats, osteoporosis, and developing breasts. All things which happen during Andropause, the male version of menopause.
If one is under treatment for prostate cancer or undergoing gender reassignment, it's understandable to use the castration drugs. But, why would a healthy guy want to do this to themselves?
According to author Isabelle Kohn, "many men also seek out chemical castration for a more surprising and insidious reason: they’re dissatisfied with their sex lives. Multiple Reddit threads written by men looking for advice to chemically castrate themselves cite prolonged virginitysexless marriages or not having an outlet or a supportive community for homosexual desires as the impetus for impotence, with the general consensus being that being horny and lusting after people is nothing more than a giant waste of time."
The saddest examples are the guys who don't feel themselves worthy of a partner. Kohn poinnts out that the societal pressures have contributed to the numbers of men seeking DIY solutions when they are unable to convince a doctor they need it. "That we live in a culture that puts so much pressure on men to be sexual that castrating themselves seems like the only option for escape is, of course, indicative of a much more insidious problem: the toxic gender role that says a man’s worth is based not only on the potency of his sexuality, but the form and the function of his cock. Coupled with #MeToo, the movement to make men more accountable for how they exact their desires, and the gradual unmasking of many male heroes as repugnant sexual predators, it’s not hard to see how the double standard of being too sexual and yet simultaneously not sexual enough could make a guy ... want to tap out altogether."

The loss of the boner as a health barometer is also a negative side effect. 

The raise in risk of developing prostate cancer at a younger age; with breast development, there's a higher risk of breast cancer.

Before you do something to your cock with long-term, unalterable consequences, you need to do some real hard soul searching.
Perhaps talk to a trusted friend to help you decide.

 Have a good weekend. Be a good friend to someone who needs one.


SickoRicko said...

Wow, what an interesting eye-opener!

Xersex said...

have a nice week end all

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time imagining someone who would want to go to those extreme measures. I am not judging because I am not walking in their shoes, but I cannot relate to choosing to do that. I hate to hear that men feel that this is their only option, especially with some of the side effects that go along with it.

Your French Patrick said...

One word in your first sentence reminds me a joke. In a hospital, two men wake up in a common bedroom after having a surgery operation, the first with a small dressing around the sex and the other with a much bigger dressing at the same location. The first one asks to the other of what he was operated on and his companion answers that it was a castration and, turning the question, asks:
- And you?
- Me, it was for a circumcision.
- Holy shit!!! It's the word I didn't remember in front of the surgeon.

If I made you smile it's not that a bad start for the great weekend that I wish you.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Mistress Maddie said...

Great informative post!!! I'm kicking back with a friend visiting and we'll stay in with rain called for a play with each other for sure!!!!!
Have a good weekend Pat!

Anonymous said...

What a weird world we live in today. Everyone wants instant gratification for everything and no one feels like they should have to put any effort or work to earn anything. This is just the latest scenario in this growing trend. Life’s struggles are lessons to grow and build on. This holds true for anything worth having: Jobs, cars, homes, partners, or any kind of relationship. Sorry, but you’re not going to get the mansion or the super model without some work, and even then, it is more a matter of learning to be happy with what you have and not always wanting what everyone else has and thinking you’re entitled to it.

Mark Greene said...

Damn ! Being horny and lusting after people Is how I get my creativity! Sexuality can be beautiful,creative but also burdensome if you buy into society’s point of view. But altering your sex drive just is extreme in my opinion. Sex and desire is what being human is about. Not saying it defines us but it is part of being human.

Your French Patrick said...

After your first sentence, it's now the last one which reminds me a quote of Pierre Dac: "To give with ostentation is not well. But giving nothing with discretion is not better.
Let me reassure you at once, I do not just read the first and the last sentence.

Anonymous said...

I had chemical castration as part of my treatment for Prostrate Cancer. The hot flashes, having a difficult time sleeping, deteriorating bones, depression and brain fog as a result are no fun, even when I knew I was fighting a killer. My nuts shrunk up to almost pea size. I had read Dr Mulhall’s book and fought to keep my ability to have an erection. Eventually I got off the ATD and eventually got a new normal for having erections. But chemical castration would not be something I would choose to do. I love being a man and all that it entails even if I don’t have sex as much as I would like. Having sex takes an effort on the guys part.

Rad said...

You're pissed off with your sex life (or lack of, therein), so you take it out on your penis and balls? Wow... News flash - THEY ARE NOT TO BLAME!

It explains a lot about our society - how drastic a measure people feel they have to feel something. I equate this to leading up suicide - the person just can't see any other way around or out. So many options... such a waste.