Good morning.
"We have a Uni restroom at work and the urinals aren't separated very well so as a result you can be standing with your dick in your hand when one of the women comes in. One came in and saw a coworker jerking it at a urinal and she filed a complaint. The guys think its bullshit but what can we do about it?"
Uni restrooms became popular after Ally McBeal made its debut on television, but they typically had only stalls. Folks didn't like that - can't say as I blamed them. It caused wait times for the women and too many dudes were too lazy to lift the seats. So, architects began putting in both stalls and urinals. We have a few around town, but the urinals are way in the back and off in an alcove.
The problem isn't that he was jacking off at a urinal, the problem is that he was within the line of vision. But, the real question is: If your colleague knew the lay of the land, so to speak, why wasn't he in a stall?
Management really has two routes to take, in my opinion. They accept her complaint, tell her they'll take care of the problem, and counsel your coworker about jacking off at a urinal. OR They accept her complaint, tell her they'll take care of it, and put in more a efficient sightline barrier.
I'd opt for the second. Most men do not want anyone and everyone to see them standing with cock in hand taking a leak. In fact, there are plenty of guys who are "pee shy" and can't squeeze out a drop if they think someone is within eyesight.
It's the reason for men's rooms Rules of Etiquette.