Cock only on the Left; Whole package on the Right |
A few comments on the wearing of cock rings leads me to revisit the issue. There are two types: One which was initially designed to work with Vacuum Pumps for men with Erectile Dysfunction (ED). This type encircles the base of the cock - it is tight and blocks the blood from leaving the Corpus Cavernosae. It is dangerous to leave this type in place for longer than 30 minutes. (I'll spare you the gruesome photos.) As Faithful reader Jean indicated in her comment:
"...The biggest risk associated with using a penis ring is causing permanent damage to the penis – when wearing a penis ring you should remove it if you feel:
Pins and needles
You shouldn’t wear a penis ring for longer than 30 minutes at a time – you should also make sure the ring is well fitted but if at any time it becomes difficult to remove you should go straight to A and E to seek medical attention.
If it takes a long time to remove the penis ring, then you are at risk of gangrene. A condition where the blood supply is cut off and the tissue which makes up the penis are starved of oxygen and dies off. ..."
The second type encircles the whole package (cock and balls). This type will assist in hardness, but it allows for the exchange of Oxygenated blood to the tissues of the cock. This is the type that men use as adornment, as well as lifting everything forward.
However, as Jean pointed out, it needs to be properly sized and if you can't seem to remove it and begin to experience any of the symptoms mentioned in her comment, head to an ER immediately.
On another note, but related to ED, a friend is going in for prostate removal. Initial indications earlier in the year suggested "watchful waiting." The latest Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) and Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) both indicated the tumor had grown significantly.
Upon the point of surgical decision, he successfully argued with his wife that they should have as much sex as possible because "after the surgery, my dick will never get hard again."
Guys, if you face this crossroads, do your utmost to ensure you have a Urological Surgeon who has successfully done prostatectomy without damage to the central nerve bundle. If your surgeon knows what he's doing, the chances for a complete recover (read: ability to get erections) are very good.
Plus, apparently, the Gainswave Sonic Wave technology, the latest in ED treatment, is FDA approved and really works to restore the ability to get boners. (Read a firsthand report by Ben Greenfield at Men's Health.) This is something I may look into myself. My question for them is whether it can succeed in overriding the Muscular Dystrophy.
I'm taking tomorrow off, but I have scheduled a post. Another Reader faces a conundrum.