An acquaintance asked me last night about the symptoms of Andropause. He's much too young to be going through it (mid 30's), yet just as Menopause can strike early so, too, can Andropause.
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Symptoms include - but are not limited to (lordy! I sound like a lawyer) - fatigue, lack of strength, loss of muscle mass, hot flashes, and night sweats. And the most telling of all: no morning wood and limp boners.
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The most you can muster up is half mast.
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He'd had his Testosterone levels checked a year ago. But, as I told him, "That was a year ago. Go get it checked again. And, if it's low, don't accept any prescription for hormone replacement unless it's a Bio-Identical cream." And he needs to be totally honest with his doctor about his boner quality.
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I'll be sure to follow up with him to make sure he's gone to see his physician for a complete physical. Something you all should have done, or at least scheduled during this Men's Health Month.