As our lovely Jean points out in her comment yesterday, men are much more complicated than we allow the Ladies to realize. Perhaps, even more than we are willing to admit to ourselves.
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We guys close ourselves off. Too intimidated (?) to ask someone for help or advice - even our own doctors - when something doesn't seem "right." Even under Bar Rules, which demands any discussion not go further than those in attendance, we are afraid to open up even to the best of friends.
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But, there are signs, albeit small, that things are changing with the younger generation. Surveys suggest they are more open, and, therefore, more knowledgeable. Take for instance, the group of U of Texas-Austin women who are using dildos to make a point about guns on campus, using the slogan "Cocks Not Glocks."
The pressure being put on the justice system to reign in sexual assaults and sex trafficking - which, by the way, happens to young men, too; we simply do not hear about it as much. Why, you ask? See paragraph two above!
Or watch the finale episode of The Closer, which bridged the changeover to Major Crimes with the recurring character of Rusty who was rescued from being pimped out.
Bravo! to Graham Patrick Martin for taking on such an important role.
The Information Age with its instant communication and 24-hour news cycle has helped to move things into acceptable conversation.
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We've brought Morning Wood to the national consciousness,
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how pissing can be difficult with an erection
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that spontaneous boners happen
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even past the raging hormone years
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and the fact that masturbation is the most common sexual activity of all
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and age doesn't mean we stop.
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Keep moving forward.
Have a wonderful weekend!