Apparently, many men still haven't gotten the message. Though the gods know I've posted about it enough times. But, evidently, not enough because...
"According to a recent poll from the National Sleep Foundation, only 12 percent of Americans sleep in their birthday suits." [bold and red are mine.]the
So, let me reiterate more emphatically.
The online magazine, Gayety, details "9 Simple Reasons You Should Sleep Naked."
If the anti-aging (#5) and burning more calories (#7) doesn't convince you, maybe the fact that it's better for your balls (#9) will convince you.
"When you sleep in your underwear, you’re actually increasing the odds of getting an infection, doctors say. Why, you ask? Because underwear retains heat and moisture, thus increasing the existence of bacteria since they thrive in warm environments. More bacteria means a higher likelihood that any chaffed or irritated skin in this general area can be infected. Think of the balls, man!" [Bold and red are mine.]
The heat and moisture factors increase if you are a stomach or side sleeper.
Because now The Boys aren't only snuggled up in the briefs, held between you and the mattress, they're further roasted by trapped body heat. 
Not to mention those boners have more freedom to blossom.
Or maybe that it might lead to more sex (#8) could be the thing that lures you into sleeping in the buff.
Maybe that it makes your jizz taste better (#2), perhaps resulting in more blowjobs is the enticement you need.
Come on, guys, if you don't already...sleep nude.
It's based in science.
Special thanks to Rick (Sicko Ricko's Crap) for sending the article.