It must have been some kind of computer glitch...slowly, ever so slowly, the followers are returning.
The Penis Transplant article showed up in our local paper. And then there was a comment from an Anonymous Faithful Reader regarding the Penis Transplant.
He asks:
I had to write to the blog author that I was surprised my comment was the opening subject of your blog, and rather shocked by comments that a penis transplant was potentially viewed as leading to a sex crime in the making.
Perhaps a better question might be to turn it around and ask: If your male readers woke up in the hospital with no dick, would they refuse a penis transplant because they were worried what orifices it had previously been in?.....or what the morality or even the sexual orientation of the previous owner had been?
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He maintains, correctly, that sexual attraction and arousal are all physiological chemical reactions in the brain, which begs the question of why the religious right still rants otherwise - but that's a question for another day. And, beyond his questions, consider: What issues would you have in receiving a transplant?
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It makes sense that girth would have to be a relative match,
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but what about skin tone?
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Or would you simply be happy to have a cock again, no matter its shape, color, or size?
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Would it be too weird for you to know your spouse or partner's cock was a transplant?
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Would it be a deal breaker?
Ladies, I'd be interested in hearing from you, too, on this.