I'm doing much better today. Not perfect, but much better. I thank you all so much for the well-wishes. It does mean a lot to me. I did indeed spend a lot of time lying around, doing a lot of nothing. (I followed your advice, Jean, and the TV never got turned on.) I relaxed.
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I read.
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I slept.
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I did not release the aches and pains utilizing the suggestion of yesterday's meme.
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But I know I'm feeling better because
my nighttime boners told me so.
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Each one brought me out of a deep sleep; each one harder than the previous as the testosterone built its supplies. With a full tank of T, the final one woke me this morning, fully hard and insistent.
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Yes, our balls recharge our T levels while we sleep. Sleep helps us restore our energy, Testosterone boosts those energy levels. But, please don't think the morning boner is strictly a result of the process, as some folks would lead you to believe. It adds to the hardness of that log of lumber; it is not the cause of it.
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