Monday, February 17, 2025

Monday Giggles



I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day. We did our usual: Passed the same card back and forth - one I drew years and years ago.

We watched A Real Pain and The Apprentice - both have Academy Award actor nominations. Neither film was very good. The Apprentice made him look better than he was as a hungry, entitled asshat... In the end, overall, lest you think the film is about his TV series (ugh!), it's actually him being an apprentice to Roy Cohn, learning how to be the true asshole he is now. A Real Pain glossed over the main point - both characters are a pain in the ass and not really likable, but the true pain is the generational trauma visiting a concentration camp, and then on to see their grandmother's childhood home in Poland --- after close to 90 minutes, they spend 3 minutes there and don't truly bring the story full circle.

Monday Giggles

We start with one the B Boys sent on Friday.

Oh, and sorry I missed Buddy Ball Check. I hope you all did your TSE.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Please Consider



A PSA for those who are looking for ways they might help themselves through the chaos.


They've been holding Town Hall meetings across the country to overflowing crowds. Please consider joining.

As President Musk's little band of outlaws makes its way through demolishing the various entities, there will be a gathering and protest at the Veteran's Administration in D.C., today. Despite the fact I have never used VA medical, those of us who have served deserve to have better care than what these yahoos plan to provide with their privatization bullshit.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025




With cold blowing down from the north as it is here, at least we aren't experiencing blizzard conditions. Yikes! I hope you folks in those areas stay warm and safe.

I would still love to be where this guy is.

Have some Midweek Mirth

Thanks to the B Boys (Bruce and Bryn) for the giggles - especially the Valentine ones.