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Lot's of turmoil happening - the proverbial shit is hitting the proverbial fan. A friend - sort of - has thrown a huge monkey wrench into a well-oiled machine. If you'll pardon the expression, he's being a big ole Drama Queen. He flies off the handle much too quickly, and though he's the one flinging the shit always claims to be the wronged party. He's the "you're either with me or against me" type of guy and impossible to debate because his mind is made up regardless of facts. I have been trying my best, but I do get the feeling this is not going to end well.
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Anyway, I must do what I can to quell the uprising. But, if he walks, he walks. The rest of us will just have to wave goodbye and wish him well.
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My apologies to you all for such a short, off-topic post.
Maybe your friend needs some drugs or a kick in the ass, or both??
Run your mouth in haste and repent alone. I'm sure this won't be his first time or his last.
I used to be that guy and had to learn the very hard way on multiple occasions, that diplomacy gets you way further in Life than the awful 'truth'.
Hey Bro, sorry to hear you are having to go through such unpleasantness. I hope things work out well for you. Hugs and Strokes, AOM
As for me, I am either with you or with you, my dear Patrick.
It is so much simpler, more comfortable and more pleasant!
Have a great day, my dear friend, with a lot of bisous.
Scott said...
You sound like a wise (in the good sense) man buddy, you do what you have to do, for the best interest of everyone. Good luck.
Love, these kind of pics of the boys horsing around and having fun:):)
Thank you
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers during my time away! Hugs! Pleased you liked the dance sequence! Peace, Patrick
best wishes!!!
love the pics!
enjoy my last post:
and happy FriGAY & weekend
I hope this gets itself sorted out, one way or another.
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