Big Whack Attack surpassed the 4,500,000 page-view mark yesterday. And, alas! at times it feels as if I've made no progress at all in the acceptance of the male body.
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There are so many things we might attribute it to; overly zealous organized religion, homophobia, perhaps jealousy of endowment.
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But, to me, it makes no sense why an ad for a major merchandiser would market a sale on clothes for women's under and outer wear with images such as this
and always in seductive poses
and in the same ad declare in the voice over that men's under and outer wear are also on sale while the video runs images like this
Or, even worse. Faithful Reader, Jean, brought to my attention an article in the UK Daily Mail about a photo of a well-endowed celebrity in a Speedo and the snide remarks made by the (male) author and the ridiculous comments readers made. I mean, truly, what is so horrific about this
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Apparently, there is still so much work to be done. I'm contemplating opening a tumblr account to invite men to send in selfies
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or of men gathered, unafraid and unashamed to display what nature has provided
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Perhaps I could call it Naked and Un-Afraid
in one blog of an italian friend, there is a post on my dick and my cum, but not my face, so I don't want to indicate the link.
First off I hope you had a nice labor day!!!! Second, congrats on the page views! That's alot of people interested in dick! I love you topics. And I would most certainly send snaps in. I have sent in to mirror men and guys with I phones lots as well as the reader submissions over at the penis siloquies
Doesn't this all go back to that "down there" mentality. I'm one of those that had to grow up with it and it didn't help any ever. At least as I got older I figured that down there was me and damn it, I will be me. And I haven't gone to hell because of down there.
I can't figure out why people are so afraid to look at or discuss the male form. Every man has the same body parts and every woman as the same. Why can't men look at and or discuss their parts. Ditto women. They scared of themselves?
Keep "up" the good work. It will take a long lot longer than we've got to change that attitude but let us go on doing all we can to change it!
Would you blur my face? I'm not ashamed. Most certainly not shy. I've been to a nude beach and would go often if I lived near one. Now then, about the blur. My wife, and others whom I know well, will never change. I, on the other hand, was born "changed." Those who know me well have heard me say, more than once, "I hate clothes." Endowment should have nothing to do with it. I wonder if your readers are familiar with Its a great resource for all kinds if things.
Congratulations for your score, my dear Pat.
My blog being a new one after the murder of my previous one by Tumblr, I can't compete.
And dont worry about the results. You are responsible of what you are doing, not of the use which is made of it.
Is "Fearless" less good than "Un-Afraid"?
And you can add "beyond reproach" after fearless.
Like in the motto of the knight Pierre Terrail, lord Bayard, known as "the knight fearless and beyond reproach".
That gives us "Naked, fearless and beyond reproachs".
I wish you a wondrous day, my tender friend, with a lot of bisous.
Hey Brother! Congrats on the page views. So happy your awesome blog is getting so much attention. It may not feel like you are doing much to promote healthy attitudes toward the male body, but you are. We all send out those ripples of influence that will eventually bring about those positive attitudes to help change our culture in positive ways. Thanks for all you do for us. Wishing you a wonderful day! Hugs and Strokes, AOM
Just wonder as time goes by, will male models become the victims of air-brushing, etc. and the result will be fantasy men that are nothing like real men. Sigh, Just like what is has been done for ages to women. So maybe the honesty of selfies would be a good thing!!!
Well, I am one happy woman enjoying your Blog Pat. You should be proud of how significant your contribution is.
I hear your frustration. However, not to burst your bubble, but there's a bunch of blogs out there of selfies.
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