Another week has flown by. Just when I feel I've accomplished nothing, I open up my email and find the nicest message from a long-time reader.
"Been a big fan of your blog for a couple years now. Thought I would finally write in to say hello, thank you, and wish you well with your treatment. The message you are sharing with men is so positive and helpful, and is making me rethink a lot of things and hopefully feel more confident and positive about myself and my body which is not Adonis like but it works great and I need to think more positive about it.
It's funny how after reading your blog I'm so much more conscious of how guys at the gym dress, undress and shower. I used to always keep my head down and to myself but now I feel much more comfortable spending extra time nude, drying off, walking around and looking at the other men (not creeping of course). One thing I notice so much now is how even younger guys with great bodies will take off and put on underwear with the towel on. I can't help but think that's an extension of the shame we sort of have been raised in culturally."
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Now, that right there is why I do this; why I keep at it. Helping one person at a time. He and his partner have now been to a clothing optional place in Palm Springs, various gyms and spas, and are looking for other places to enjoy a nudist lifestyle. I know there are plenty on Key West; nude cruises out of there, too.
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It's such a freeing experience to shed any and all body shame.
Any suggestions for him, Readers?
Just get nude and enjoy it!!!!!! Have a great weekend!!!!!
Sounds like he's on the right track. Have a great weekend!
You know that you will always be asked new questions by your viewers! Great post once more! So pleased you liked the art on mine! Extraordinarily warm day yesterday, but back to winter this morning. Trust you can have a restful weekend.
I'm so glad you got one of THOSE E-mails congratulating you on your work, giving you gratitude and appreciation for all the great work you do for all of us - I know as a blogger how easily we can get discouraged thinking that so much of what we do is in vain - speaking out into the great abyss - so to get a message like that from a follower is super energizing - I'm very happy for you - and you DEEEEEserve it, brother. You do great work promoting positive, healthy attitudes toward our bodies, our health and our sexuality - Big HUGS, Licks, and Strokes to you! Have a super bonerific weekend, AOM
Thank Goodness, It's Friday. Dieu merci, c'est vendredi. Have a blast and enjoy a great weekend, my darlings Jean and Pat.
I told a male friend one time when I was growing up the YMCA swim classes were all male and they didn't wear swim suits. Nobody thought anything about it. He was really surprised. (I actually think he was shocked.). This was in response to a comment he had made about men at his gym walking around naked in the locker room, and not wanting to see them. Maybe college sports and the military might change that for some, but I suspect there are lots of men who just aren't comfortable being naked anywhere outside their home.
Hugs Pat and French Patrick, have a good weekend.
Do make a trip to Germany, there are many nudist beaches, even as parts of some public outdoor-pools. Nude bathing is called "FKK" meaning "Freikörperkultur", meaning free translated: "culture of the bare body" (check out on the web where before!)
It's also common to be naked in public sauna-bathes (spa'a , no sex-clubs!), most of them are mixed gender, so women and men do sauna-bathing together naked!
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