Oh, FFS. There's just SO MUCH
Who can keep up with it all?
Here are your
Monday Giggles
How do people lose their moral compass?
What is it with people who are so entrenched in a belief that they can't even allow a person to complete a sentence, or finish asking a question, before they jump in with the "what about-ism" nonsense? Interrupting shows a total lack of respect. That is what my In-laws did to their daughter last evening. The realization that, after almost 60 years, they are not the people they have portrayed themselves to be has had a devastating effect. How do you respond to people who say when asked --- politics aside emphasized --- they are just fine with serial adultery, serial fraud, serial bigotry, serial sexual assault, serial criminality, serial dishonesty? Then they accuse her of being willing to give up family over politics when she said no such thing. Did I mention she emphasized, "politics aside?"
Of course, I want to jump into the middle of it, but she says, "It's my fight to deal with." Well, I suppose it's best if I stay out of it.
I think I need to go and lose myself in a good book. Maybe one of the banned books since the current administration has claimed the removal of books from libraries is "a hoax" and dropped 11 complaints over "so-called" book bans, which you can read about, straight from the "horse's mouth" as it were,
Anyway, happy Friday.
A young friend of mine corrected me. She told me it is actually the year of the Wood Snake.
I stand corrected.
It seems they are everywhere!
Happy Chinese New Year.
Well, what an interesting day yesterday, eh?
What cracked me up was all the anger flowing from the folks who thought either, A. He wasn't really going to do those things, or B. They were somehow going to be exempt.
Have some Midweek Mirth
Gonna need a lot of that in the foreseeable future, methinks.