I know I covered this topic already, but a Gentle Reader (as Miss Manners would say) sent me a list of ideas and reminded me that new readers drop by all the time. He suggested I might be willing to cover some issues again and, perhaps, put a new stroke on them.
Building up a bigger load of cum is a lot of men’s dream. Why? Because the more we cum the better it feels; the more satisfaction we get out of an orgasm. Blasting out 10 or more spurts of our hot, thick ropes of white cum provides an incredible sense of awesome! It’s like you ladies having multiple orgasms – or one that stretches on for…well, still not long enough!
The typical male ejaculation will include approximately five or six squirts. The first is always the strongest and they diminish from there, ending up in about a single teaspoonful of jizz. You may be familiar with the saying “Less is more?” This is one time I’d have to say that adage couldn’t be further from the truth! When a man is blasting his berry-batter more is better; much better!
So how do I accomplish that, you ask? There are two things you can do. One is by staying hydrated and by this I don’t mean drinking gallons and gallons of water. As a doctor told me once, “All that will do is make you pee more.” No, guys, the key here is to drink fluids all day, not drown yourselves. The other – and important – key is to keep stimulating the prostate. You know prostate fluid makes up the bulk of your cum, right? You did know that – didn’t you? Of course you did!

Then build it up. Play with yourself. Tease your cock, squeeze those balls. Play that age-old game of Pocket Pool. Take your pecker in hand and work up a good solid hard-on. Then stuff it back in your pants and let it wilt. Sitting at your desk, or while you’re driving your car to and from work, squeeze your thighs against your nuts, squeeze those ass-cheeks together to stimulate your buzz-button. Keep it going like this all day long. And all you married guys, you can do this all evening long sitting right next to your wife on the couch building up a nice big load for her and she won’t even know you’re doing it!
Whenever you go to take a leak, when you’re done don’t just squeeze and shake – bone it up and give it a few strokes; fondle your balls a little bit. Get it at least semi-hard and then put the mouse back in its house. The more time you spend teasing your cock, the better.
Just remember if you stop for a long period of time – say a couple hours – what you’ve built up will likely begin to be reabsorbed. So keep up the teasing – right up until you are ready to get naked and put in some serious flogging or fucking time.
Not only will you have built up a nice sizable load of jizz, the force behind each squirt should be bigger too. And that adds to the release.
The longest distance (according to Kinsey research) a man has ever ejaculated is 8’ (feet). Go ahead, shoot for the record!