Men are competitive. And that never changes over our lifetime. It's innate - built into our phyche - it's part of our hard-wired brains. And the competitiveness doesn't end on the playing field or at the office door when we leave at night. From the very first time we see another guy's willy - no matter who it's attached to, no matter if it's hanging flaccid as an over-cooked spaghetti or standing up full, hard and proud as can be, no matter where we get to see it: men's room, gym locker room or showers - we compare it to our own.
And we always want to be the bigger man. And, it would seem anyway, unless we're King Dong, we all would welcome a bigger dick.
There are so many different approaches: Pills and creams - which don't work guys! Sorry, but science disproves the theories; it's a placebo effect. Vacuum Pumps: Which, according to a variety of urologists who've studied the effects of these things, do work. But be prepared for the long, long haul, because short-term it's temporary. Cock-Stretchers: Which, according to scientific studies can actually damage your dick.
Then, there's Jelqing: An (by all accounts) ancient middle-eastern enlargement technique passed from generation to generation and... works! The best thing about this is it doesn't cost you a dime, doesn't require an embarrassing trip into the local adult toy store or the "plain brown packaging" for delivery to your doorstep.
There are a few things you need to be aware of if you're going to try this. 1. Always warm up your cock before starting. Use any form of warmth that works best for you: Wrap it in a heating pad (on low!), wrap it in a wet, warm towel. 2. Never, never, never do this with a full-on boner! This technique uses the blood within your shaft to stretch things; if your cock is already ram-rod stiff you won't be able to stretch the tissues without doing damage (and who wants a damaged dick?).
3. Use lube. Either water-based or oil-based doesn't matter, but never use soap or shampoo which can dry the skin or irritate the urethra. While it is possible to do this without lube, you can damage the skin of your pecker with abrasions.
With either an over- or under-hand motion, place your thumb and forefinger in the "OK" sign. Place them at the very base of the shaft. Using a moderate pressure, stroke up toward the head. Repeat using oppposite hands for 5 to 10 minutes (set a Timer, guys, because it is possible to overdo it!).
Last and not least: Don't expect huge gains. According to the reasonable-sounding information I was able to find on this, the typical increase will be approximately 1 inch in length. Reasonable expectations won't provide disappointment in results.
I strongly suggest you stay away from contraptions being sold on many of the Jelqing websites. The possibility of doing damage is increased. Again, the idea is to increase the size of your cock - not hurt it beyond repair. And though many urologists are probably familiar with every Big Dick Gimmick out there, think of the embarrassment of having to drop your drawers and tell the guy you broke your boner ability trying to make it bigger!
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Can you imagine how easy it would be to place too much pressure on your shaft?
Overall, I'd really suggest you be happy with what you've got. If you do want to pump up the size of your pecker, be cautious when using any technique. Be gentle with your genie and he'll always be happy to reward you with a good, solid, nut draining boner.
BTW, Faithful Reader Johann asked for a post on this. I'm always happy to accomodate these kinds of requests. If you have a question you'd like answered, or if there's some aspect of cock care you'd like me to cover, feel free to ask!
Very interesting! Although I never really understood the wanting a bigger dick thing. I like my dick as is.
He has been my faithful friend for all these years.
Great information buddy. I have had times with I wished I had an extra inch or two but, like you, I am now most happy with my dick. It's all about the feeling rather than the look and my cock feels sooooo good to me. Have a super day my friend. Hugs and Strokes, AOM
Unless I only attracted 'average' guys, the majority of the men I played with were just like me; average or a bit above. Never had anyone complain, including my 'above average' partner. Maybe us average guys compensate for not being HUNG by using what we got to best advantage and that's not a bad thing..
Yes, guys, eventually I think we all come to accept and love our cocks. No matter what size they are they bring us pleasure.
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