Needed (Cock) Information
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It seems no matter where I go, I'm always educating people about cock. Meeting people - women and men - that know so little about male genitals never ceases to amaze me. Last evening the conversation began with two women who have sons in the school system which is planning on altering the Sex Ed curriculum to include (among other things) masturbation. They are totally against their 5th-grade sons having these classes.
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Conversation worked its way from jacking off to two things even the men sitting around the table were unaware of: That it's possible to break a boner and do major damage (Peyronies). I had to break out a line from my buddy's play, "It may not have a bone, boys and girls, but we don't call it a boner for nothing."
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And though Testicular and Penile Cancers typically strike between the ages of 15 and 35, that it doesn't mean they can't strike at an earlier age. That their sons need to get to know their balls and how to check their balls.
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They also need to know what a healthy, functioning cock (cut or uncut) looks and feels like - and operates - so they'll know if something is amiss.
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How sad, that even in this age of an internet filled with information, men still don't know anything about what hangs between their legs. Even sadder that they don't want their sons and daughters to be taught in school, yet they admit they don't do the educating themselves.
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They think they know but they're too afraid (embarrassed), and 9 times out of 10 they're completely ignorant of the facts.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
@ O!Daddie
Thank you, my friend, for this wise quote.
@ whkattk
Thank to you too for the quote that you wrote on our friend AOM's blog: "King Henry II: "He'll become King when pigs fly."" Did you know that such a sentence is called an adynaton (= a figure of speech so hyperbolic that it describes an impossibility)?
Those who hide what nature gave them do that because of their education and of the influence of the religions on it.
This will finish, not when you will have educated the whole world, but when the porks will fly.
I wish you a lot of courage and patience, as well as an excellent day with the help of all the bisous which you will need.
love the pics!!!!
@ O!Daddie - Thank you for the quote - it's perfect!
@ MFP - Well, mon ami, of course ignorance will never cease. It makes me sad... Yet I do my part to lift the veil. Thank you for your constant friendship, the smiles you bring, and of course the bisous I should be loathe to go without!
Hey Brother, Great post. Knowledge is Power! How people can bury their heads in the sand is beyond me. I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm so thankful for you. Hugs and Strokes, AOM
Great post! Ignorance is NOT bliss.
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