I thank you all so very, very much for the comments and the emails. The words and virtual hugs all help to ease the sense of sorrow. Protecting and sheltering, true selfless caring; and above all: she preached Be yourself. Love who you love and fuck the opinions of others. Enjoy life.
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She would have been the first to say,
"Sometimes you just need to pee off the porch."
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The next tip from AARP is another men's health issue; one we've discussed before.
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Stamp out Boner Issues: The lack of an erection when you want it, may not necessarily be due to anything more than Stress, or Anxiety. Want to be check before you spend money visiting a doctor, or on boner pills you might not need? Here's the test: Get your hands on a roll of postage stamps. Wrap a length around the base of your cock just before you hit the hay at night. Make sure to secure the ends together. Repeat this for three nights in a row. If the stamps are torn along the perforation in the morning, your cock is quite operational... Which means your boner issue is most likely emotional.
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If that's the case, find someone to vent to. Get it all out of your system, because the ability to "get it up" weighs heavily on us guys. The more we fret, the worse the problem will become. Our overall mental health needs include the ability to raise the flagpole. Our overall physical health requires strong boners and ejaculations on a regular basis.
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Good advice; great pix; especially the last one!
Trust the police are dealing with the death of your niece. As always great advice and wonderful images! Thanks, Patrick
love those sleeping beauties!
The test with postal stamps, it is something that I did not know and that I would never have imagined. Especially as we have, here in France, for a long time, booklets of self-adhesive stamps, untied from each other. But on the principle, it's a good idea, and it can be done by other means.
I wish you a great day, my love, with a lot of my best bisous.
Have never heard of that way , but it makes sense.
Stamps? Well you are so right! Better stock up, getting hard to find the ones that aren't self stick. Learn something here daily! This is the easiest method - some sites say don't drink alcohol or take sleep aids for a couple days before the stamp test. And don't fear if you get stuck, all comes off in the shower.
What a wonderful celebration of life your niece was! Thanks for all the good information and gorgeous images. Wishing a beautiful day, brother. Huggin' and Strokin' you in spirit, AOM
You are so right...the more you worry about not getting a boner..the less likely you are to have one.
Enjoying the men in ## 6, 8 and especially 10.
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