Lucky 7? Well it's supposed to be a lucky number, right? And you all are hoping I'm talking about cock size - whether yours or a partner's. LOL. No, in another tip from AARP, we are talking about the proper amount of sleep.
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Get Your Lucky 7: Researchers have found that the less sleep we get as we age, the faster our brains age. Results of online brain-training games have shown that those who get seven hours per night have the best test scores.
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We also know that sleeping brings on those nocturnal boners to help the tissues of our cocks stay healthy. So get plenty of sleep.
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Naps are wonderful, and count, too. If you wake from a nap with a solid log, it's been a restful sleep.
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Just be sure - as always - to sleep naked.
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Protect your wood from getting trapped in clothing and possible damage. Breaking your cock is no fun!
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**My wife and I will be heading back East tomorrow for the services for my niece. That means I most likely won't be back to making my rounds to my buddy's blogs until next week on Tuesday. I wish you all a lovely, lovely rest of the week. Whatever you do, wherever you go, be safe. Have a wonderful weekend!
If I have time between running errands and packing today, I will try to at least get some Eye Candy posts put together for my absence. So, check in...**
Best is not to age. As I told it AOM, I am 69yo, but I am in the category of people under twenty years. You do not believe in me? You are wrong! It's true. Except for one small detail which is that it is about the number of remaining years and not about the number of years lived.
I have no problem to get asleep where, when, as soon as and so often as I wish for it.
I wish you an end of the week as good as possible by reckoning with the circumstances.
Bisous, my love, without forgetting your niece and your wife.
Postscript: N°1 = Ennis from BelAmi Online, obviously.
Safe travel! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Great set and advice as always! Thanks for your visits and comments. Patrick
Picture 1 almost put my rye out, and picture 9 has given me some naughty fantasies!!!! Sleep is important. In the fall, winter and early spring I get about ten hours of sleep a night. My social calendar is much busier in the late spring summer where I vacation, and par of outdoor things to do. Drinking water, plenty of sleep, a good moisturizer and plenty of sex/or jacking off, I swear why I am aging well. Safe travels my friend.
I wish I could get seven hours' sleep, that would be a luxury. However, I always sleep naked!
Safe travels. Funerals and travel are both stressful.
I need at least 8 hour of sleep!!!
happy journey!
I read an article about sleep and the experience of "first sleep". It seems it was common in earlier times before electric lights, and when people went to bed at sundown and got up at sunrise, that after the first sleep cycle, they would get up and read, write, have sex, whatever, before falling to sleep again. This gave me permission to masturbate during these intermediate periods of walkefulness in the middle of the night. Now I frequently will spend a half an hour jacking my cock in the dark, then fall asleep lying on my cock, bathed in a sea of erotic energy. Still get those 7 hours though!
Hope your trip "back east" goes well. We're having extraordinary weather here in Boston with daytime temperatures in the low 70's and gentle breezes.
Oh my goodness, numbers 4 and 10 please!
whkattk, I've just rediscovered your blog through Enhanced Masculinity. Thank you for what you do!
@ Sebastian - Welcome, buddy! Happy you found me and I hope you'll stick around and contribute to the conversations - WHK
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