Waking up with morning wood is pretty much a good indication of how my day will be. And I'm noticing that the quality of the erection makes a big difference. Today was a half-boner day - fair, but not great. Then minor cramping hit and the hardness dissipated fast. One look outside and the reason is immediately apparent: Cold, cloudy, and windy. Dealing with the M.D. will be the focus of my day.
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Which all proves the Medical community's observation that our erections are an indication of our overall health. The stronger my morning hard-on's the better I feel.
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If I can toss back the covers
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to give it a little stroking
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before I get out of bed to face the day
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I find my overall mood is improved as well.
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I tend to smile more often
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And I'm more prone to laughter.
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As I'll bet the guys who comment here will attest:
Ladies, if the men in your lives emerge in the morning in a good mood, chances are they woke with a really stiff cock.
Wood is Good!
The body saying HURRAY! It's a Bonerific Day! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Wishing you the hardest morning wood every day, bro. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
And some wonder why I'm so giddy.
Sorry that your day is not great, but a fair one, that's pretty good. In French we say that above a certain age if we have no pain, it's that we died.
The two gifs of Joel Birkin are wonderful, Joel Birkin being himself wonderful.
I wish you a wondrous day, mon chéri, with a lot of bisous.
Wonderful post! Such wonderful examples of those great erections! Beautiful men too! Hope your day improved! Message from Paul - not doing well health wise, but coping! Thanks for your visits and comments. Hugs!
Had wood this morning and it made me very happy! Hope you are feeling better!
Well everyone in the pics sure look happy! Maybe they started out happy and got hard??
@ Jean - Well, let's see... Hard then happy...Happy then hard... Yeah, could be! LOL.
nice guys!
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