Let's continue our discussion of hygiene. You intact guys - for the younger readers, that means you still have a foreskin - you've got a bit more to do than us cut dudes. During your shower, skin the hood back and wash your cock thoroughly.
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Because the teeny, tiny oil glands are safely hidden under the folds of the foreskin, doctors recommend that you fully expose the cockhead and upper shaft and clean yourself once or twice per day.
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If you've experienced any leaking of pre-cum from a few of those BO boners we all experience during the day, that too is gathered under the foreskin.
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The combination of these fluids building up is called Smegma - or Head Cheese.
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After a while it can really begin to smell nasty. Not cleaning your cock regularly can lead to complications. (I'll spare you the pictures of men whose peckers are covered in white pustules.) Another reason to use the Nadkins or other hygiene wipes I posted about on Friday.
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I see one thing happening with uncut dudes in men's rooms all the time that makes me want to comment. I stay silent only because I don't want to get punched, I guess.
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Come on, guys! Please. Retract that foreskin when you take a leak. Adding piss to the oil and pre-cum just is gross. (Then you want someone to give you a blow job??) Besides, in my opinion it's just plain laziness. For crying out loud, you've got your cock in your hand, how difficult is it to slide the foreskin back at least a little bit to take a piss?
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It's no different than cleaning up and wiping your cock off after you cum.
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This is a very important post! I'm cut, and I prefer sexing with cut guys...but the few uncut ones I have had were all rather nasty!
If only more uncut guys would learn to clean themselves!!
Good advice - always good to keep our tool clean and read to use! I hope you had a lovely weekend and wish you a delicious bonerific day. Hug, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
There is something which can help. When we do not sat when we piss, (what is better for the prostate), instead of shaking our cock for bringing down the last drops (and additionally for teasing our wife or boyfriend by spreading them on the cover of the toilet when it is not on the ground or on the walls) it is enough to use only a half of a hygienic paper sheet to wipe and to sponge the urinary meatus and all that need it. It is what I'm doing, and you see, I am still alive.
I wish you a wondrous day, mon chéri, with a lot of wet bisous which don't need to be wiped.
I clean all my dick+balls very carefully!!!
Excellent advice!
Once more great advice! Wonderful images too! Yes! Look after it! Keep it clean! Use it well! Enjoy being a man! Hugs & Thanks, Patrick
Meant to say that Paul has posted again.
Since so many males are circumcised in the USA, and that not getting cut is becoming more common, will boys be taught this if their fathers don't know?
Smegma actually has the consistency of soap, so...easy to wash off.
TBH, as a guy who was spared the knife, discussions of smegma always remind me of how in infomercials, there's always a complete moron who can't chop vegetables or mow the lawn or do laundry or some other common household task...but now, with Honest John's Widget, you, too, can do this simple task you should've been able to do by age 10. Only three easy payments of $29.95!
@ Jean - Probably not...not unless the Pediatrician shows them what MUST be done, how it must be cleaned, and that the child himself must taught when he learns to bathe himself... As for skinning back to piss...I don't know who will teach them that if Dad doesn't.
@ Anon - LOL. Infomercials are really cheesy!
A father of an uncircumcised toddler will teach him to pinch the end of the foreskin to collect urine to balloon the skin. This not only cleanses the glans and removes dead skin cells but it also helps loosen the foreskin and readies the child to begin retracting his foreskin on his own. My dad showed me how while urinating together. By the time I was in kindergarten my foreskin was fully retractable and working perfectly as nature intended.
As to smegma, it happens when men don't bathe and is a litmus test result for his partner. Daily baths remove the problem. Normal foreskins produce pheromones so there is a natural man scent to an uncircumcised penis. However, if you detect offensive odors recommend a shower or no sex until he's clean.
You wash under your arms, you brush your teeth daily so why do you cringe at the thought of washing your penis? It is all silliness perpetuated by men with no personal experience with a normal foreskin. Soap and water work better than knives and scalpels for cleanliness but some are biased and don't want to realize the truth in simple hygiene.
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