I subscribe to the Urban Word of the Day...just for the fun of it. Every so often one comes through that fits the blog. This time it was "Wank Shelter" - a place where a guy can lock himself away from any daily distractions and enjoy a nice, leisurely stroking.
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If you don't live alone, it's a good idea to do this once in a while. Lock out the rest of the world and get reacquainted with yourself. Turn off the TV, put on some music that won't have you singing along, and discover your body again. Take the time to touch and stroke and play.
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Take your time. Make it last. Though none of the Ladies who read have ever said so, I'd be willing to bet they don't rush through.
We guys on the other hand (pun intended), absolutely love the release. It's our favorite part of sexual activity. Our ultimate goal.
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To hurry it along is ingrained in us from an early age. The hurried, surreptitious whacking off to shoot the load in as little time as possible. Yet the journey can be so wonderful. And we miss the luscious sensuousness of it all by rushing things.
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One solution I can highly recommend is finding a Tantric Massage Group. Or starting one - I think you might be surprised how many guys would be interested. The purpose is to heighten the awareness of the erotic sensations we are all capable of.
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So, the goal is not ejaculation - though, some men do. And, that's okay. As we say in our Tantric Group, "In the final release, as it's called, the decision to cum is up to the individual."
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The hands gliding over every inch of your body, exploring for you, seeking your body's reaction in order to then concentrate on those areas you're body responds to is to help bring awareness to you for future enjoyment.
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Massage is good for the body. Tantric Massage is good for the body and the soul.
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To experience it and learn in a group is even better.