As I took my coffee to patio this morning, and watched a group of six chickadees - cutest little things about half the size of sparrows, a little brown crest on top of the head, the biggest feet, and the tiniest peeps imaginable - it struck me what a wonder nature is. And, yet, we guys fight against it - even to our own detriment.
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There's so much of ourselves to enjoy and to share, and we tamp it down. As Jean pointed out in a comment yesterday, women don't appear to have the same trouble as men; they get a "pass" and guys force themselves to conform to something which is utterly against their own nature. We need to allow ourselves the same level of connection.
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Those of us who do not ignore, or otherwise suppress nature, need to continue to be role models for others. We need to exhibit acceptance of showing affection to and for one another. To embrace a friend is to let them know we care.
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Two males should be allowed to greet one another with a kiss. I do with my friends, regardless of the location.
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We must also do our best to correct misstatements when we hear them, to redefine masculinity; what it means to be "a man." That chore begins with acknowledging our cocks, not being ashamed of the bulge in the pants
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admitting that we appreciate them
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getting over the need to hide them
being proud of what nature does for us,
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that masturbation is not lame, not a last-resort substitute. We do it because it's enjoyable.
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Great post. O never hide a bulge.....its part of my outfit everyday. And one of my best relationships is with a straight guy. And in public he has no qualms hiding me from his ultra masculine guy friends. Its pretty cool.
That was a hella hot post, damn...
And I'm loving the new background at the beginning!
so well said!
Wonderful as ever! Yes! Celebrate being "a man"! Thanks for you email. Will answer later!
I love the two Latin Boys at the end!
Christopher's trip in France next July is already booked and paid. We are both excited. To each his own chickadees, my love. LOL, or his own tits, if you prefer.
Have a wondrous day, darling, with lots of bisous.
A most beautiful post, bro. I really appreciate all the wonderful issues you bring to our minds to consider and take action on. I hope you and yours are well. Have a fabulous jizz-z-licious weekend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
@ Rick - look closer. You'll realize it's the same guy... It took me a minute, too!
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