A trip to a small, locally owned store over the weekend, and asking for the owner, who loves to joke around, one of the employees says, "He's in the back...looking for his manhood."
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Ha! There's no looking about it. Guys always find it. We love finding it! To which the owner walks into the lobby, laughing. He adds, "I found it, no problem." He reaches out to shake hands, pulls his back. "Wait, I need to wash off the cum." Then blows me a kiss instead. Meanwhile, his wife is behind the counter laughing and adding her two cents.
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We've been joking around like that from the first day we met when he asked me what I did with my time, and my response was, "I lay around jacking off."
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We've had serious conversations about it, too. He hadn't been married when we met - only engaged. On another trip in shortly after the first he asked, "Why do our women get all upset when they find out we still masturbate?"
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"I think it's that they wonder why they aren't enough. But, at the same time, they'd complain about us always wanting to fuck if we didn't jerk off on a regular basis."
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Now that they've been married for a while, I think she's come to accept it.
Guys jack off. A lot. Regardless of age. It's a fact of life.
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But, really, only a woman can answer the question properly. Ladies???
Interesting subject. I hope you're well and got the jock you wanted.
I have married straight friends. It's a mixed bag. But one of my friends says his wife enjoys watching him stroke. It apparently makes her hot. And on the other said of the coin, I was once with a guy who would get mad if he caught me jacking off. But once he learned I was always "ready to go" he was fine with it. I think he thought, if I jacked off a lot I would want to have sex. Please.........
I don't like jack off so much
No comment really as I've never been married! Great selection of images as always! Trust you had a restful weekend! Thanks for your visit and comment! Yes! Interesting sculpture!
The question being reserved to the women, I shall let Jean answer it.
In spite of the bad weather which rages in your region, you seem of better humor In spite of the poor weather which affects your region, you seem of better humor and I am glad of it.
That reminds me a quote of Pierre Dac: "When I think that if only the grey cells were pink nobody would have dark thoughts!!!"
Have a great day, my darlings Jean and Pat. Love, hugs and bisous.
Great set and great question. I look forward to hearing the answers you get. I wish you a wonderful day, bro! Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
You nailed it. What I have learned from this blog is we should be thrilled that everything is working so well instead of grinding our teeth! And, it's also a good indication of the health of the owner. But that's not how we women think, and you know you'll never figure that out.
I've also learned on this blog that gay partners have no trouble with their partner masturbating. So it is definitely a female thing. I've also learned from your blog your equipment is all right out there, available, and hard to ignore. So few women know all these things and thanks to Pat and the rest of you all for sharing so much of your private selves. Hugs and bisous, Pat & French Patrick
Today's post on my blog might cause something to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've followed the blog for a long while. Wish there would've been information like this when I was a young bride. I found my husband in the bathroom masturbating on our wedding night and I was totally devastated. I couldn't understand why he would do that when I was lying in bed waiting for him to make love to me. Even though he tried to explain he'd last longer with me if he jacked off first I cried and cried and ruined what should have been the happiest of my life. I'm sure he continued to do it but he sure did a good job of hiding it from me. We women are so stupid when we're young. I hope there are tons of young women reading this blog to learn things they should know before they get into a long term relationship with a man. It would save them a lot of heartache. - Maggie
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