Wednesday, March 4, 2020

More Pre-op

I haven't looked at results, yet, but Joe was in the lead when I hit the rack last night. It'll be an interesting 8 months.
I completely spaced until this morning that I have more pre-op today. EKG and an actual physical exam. Here we go.......

That shouldn't be too bad. I'm sure I can handle it.

Passed everything with ease.


Mark Greene said...

Well if your doctors look like any of these young men you should be elated to drop trousers and allow a healthy probe :-)
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Xersex said...

fabulous set

William said...


Luke said...

Great post...these doctors can examine me anytime!!! Really glad all testing went well!!!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Glad everything went ok.
And those doctors made feel like I need a physical. I may have to look for a urologist soon...


Mistress Maddie said...


Now as a surprise...drop those jeans!!!!

Hot guys said...

That Dr. with blue eyes is too pretty, he's an actor btw... Gorgeous! :)

whkattk said...

@ Mistress - You and sixpence are both welcome to come float with me this summer. :-D

Mistress Maddie said...

@ Whkattk….we'd be doing more than floating...…...

whkattk said...

@ mistress - But, of course we would! LOL.