Well, folks, Monsoon Season hit with a vengeance last night.
Then the lightning and winds up to 80mph raged in.

Went on for several hours. Had to wait until this morning to assess the damage.
Part of a tree is in the pool, part of it landed on the roof, the yard is a total wreck --- it looks like, well...it looks like a Monsoon hit!
Tree service and then Solar needs to make sure the roof and solar panels didn't get damaged.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
That sucks, seriously 😏
But hey, that's Mother Nature (or whoever) for ya sometimes 🤷♂️
Ah, the fun of trees! I haven't had the fun of a tree on the house, but over the years have had two fall go boom.
Hope your repair people can deal with the mess!
Does your pool boy take care of trees in the pool? And does he work nude?
Don't try to haul heavy stuff by yourself!
I really like the Red Man Walking! Nice body, looks like he's got some beef to him!
Wow! That must have been exciting and frightening at the same time. Thanks for sharing what your pool looks like. Take care.
So sorry to hear abut the monsoon damage to your property. Glad you are not hurt. When it is not lightening, I like to be naked in the rain. It is cold at first, but feeling the rain drops roll of your skin is very sensual. Love the sound of rain as it hits a pool.
Sorry to hear of the damage. We’ve been recieving heavy rains since mid June here in NM . Lucky I’ve not had any flooding or damage.
If I understand correctly monsoon season is behind you, and the damage is relatively modest. You'll have the whole weekend to recover from it. I hope you'll have forgotten about it by Monday and that you'll be quiet for a good while. I lived 18 years in Madagascar which was subject to the monsoon regime and I know what it is, but I did not know that it was rife in the United States. Is it related to global warming for which the precautions wanted by Obama were canceled by Trump?
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great weekend.
Hope the damage is not too severe. Good luck with the cleanup.
@ MFP - Yes, we've had monsoon season in the southwest forever...they move up from the Sea of Cortez...sometimes they form in the Gulf of Mexico. But you are correct that they have worsened with climate change. Hope the US gets back on track...though our Senators Manchin and Sinema are making a game of it. Hugs and bisous.
@ PaulMmn - Nope, the pool guy doesn't work naked. He said he used to in the summer when I wasn't home. I don't him he could - it sure wouldn't bother me - he sees me naked in the pool once in a while when he rounds the corner of the house. ***shrug***
Hope there is no damage to your pool and solar panels. And I hope your pool repair guy maybe changes his mind about working naked. That would be nice.
Glad you are OK...that's the main thing! Hugs!
Hope all is well and that you are safe. Wishing you the very best. Take care of yourself... nature! She's angry! Kizzes.
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