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Blogger is misbehaving today. I wasn't able to leave comments where I typically do. If I usually stop by and leave a comment on your blog but didn't today, blame it on Blogger. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great weekend and, those Faithful Readers in the US, I trust you enjoyed yesterday and took a moment to remember the fallen. For they are the ones who made this blog possible.
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I also hope you took the time to honor your own soldier when it stood up at attention.
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Did any of you catch The Normal Heart on HBO Sunday night? A wonderful, well done film. I see an Emmy nomination in Mark Ruffalo's future. And, perhaps one for Matt Bomer. Both did fine work.
Mark Ruffalo and Matt Bomer in a scene from The Normal Heart |
The one thing that has always disappointed me about Larry Kramer's play (and now the film) is there was no mention that the safest partner sex is mutual masturbation. Of course, back in those days, the full-throttle sexual revolution was still in effect and the push-back of even using condoms was vehement. Sadly, we lost many, many friends who we wish were still here with us.
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And even more sad - HIV/AIDS infections are on the rise again. So it is even more important to spread the word that guys can have just as much fun with mutual masturbation. The pleasure can be just as wonderful, the orgasms just as intense.
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Whether you cum by stroking your own cocks
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Or take turns making one another cum
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Fortunately, I came through in this horrifying disaster and I received your always welcome and adorable comment because it is sent by Disqus and not by Blogger.
But, what it is attributable in the whims of Blogger or in any other reason, be sure that as for me there will be never any disapproval.
What imports me most is that you can see my updates, but even that has nothing of a question of life or death.
The important is that we know that we are linked by the fact that we think tho one another 24 hours a day.
Bisous and cuddles, my dear friend.
thought it was just me
Great post as always. HIV is on the increase also here in Sydney (Australia) among younger men.
no problem with my blog and leaving comments on other blogs! I'm (writing) from Italy!
#6 sweet!!!
#10 love his expression
#11 cum licious
Enjoy my last post:
Mmmmmm Delicious images inspiring me to attention and bate! I wish you a beautiful jizz-soaked day! Hugs and Strokes, AOM
hmm.. Blogger upsets and restrictions and constant downage at TypePad are what sent me to Tumblr- so far so good.
I got 3 months free HBO and ought to 'tape' The Normal Heart so as to know what all the brooha is about.☺☺☺
Love the milking GIFs! I love getting milked!
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