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So, the wife and I were having a conversation last night about nudity in general. Now, she's all for it - as long as it's not her! LOL. (Yeah, she's got self-esteem body issues; I guess most women do. Is that true, Ladies?)
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Anyway, yet again, the issue arises that male frontal nudity is rarely, rarely allowed. We're getting more butt shots - but no cock in the shots. I always thought that with the popularity of "Oz" we'd be seeing more and more dicks and balls in film and television here in the states.
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Then, we had to realize it's men, for the most part, in charge; men who only want to see tits and pussy, and hide those cocks behind towels, or briefs, camera angles, or actor positioning.
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But we both can't help thinking that it's also a matter of shame and embarrassment, and remembered that pressure is put on them to hide men's genitalia. Because cocks are considered dirty, disgusting, shameful, lewd.
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And I wish someone could explain to me why. Why is a cock considered "lewd." The word is defined as "obscene or offensive." What is obscene and offensive about this
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So, we must keep fighting the good fight. We must continue to press for pride in being men.
Hu, as regards "the" (as you said) wife, she's come a long way. You have got to let her progress at her pace, without harassing her, without harping on about that.
Definitely, this woman is admirable.
A saint!!!
You should create on the contrary a context in which that would create no problem for her.
Wishing you a wondrous day with a lot of bisous.
As the resident 'killjoy', I must agree with Billy Crystal (the modified version) in that it just ain't fittin.
Too much of a good thing is just that.
OMG! I can't believe you showed that!!!! Showing guy's Elbows! Disgusting! LOL I know brother. I haven't figured it out either. Why one part of the body is considered nasty and LEWD makes no sense to me. There is nothing nasty or LEWD about the human body. It is what it is and we should celebrate our bodies. Wishing you a delicious naked and LEWD day! LOL Hugs and Strokes. AOM
Of course women have body issues. How many ancient male newscasters do you see paired with a twenty-something female for example.
You are asking the right question, since men ARE the decision makers for this, why is it such a big deal? Could it be the old size envy that forces all males to stay hidden; their egos couldn't handle the comparing? I can't think of any country that isn't the same in this though.
I think Jean is right, that it's probably a size issue. Not everyone is a shower, some are growers. When you do see male frontal nudity, the man shown usually has a larger than average penis. I think most actors don't want people comparing the size of their manhood, and quite honestly, we all know it would happen. However, I think men should get over being ashamed of being fully nude. We need equality of nudity in film and television,
GOOGLE has restored both my blogs now, so, (Yes! I know that I said I wouldn't) I've posted again. Hugs, Patrick
Male nudity is just for aesthetics (big ones belong to the hero and little ones belong to the jokers), plus censcorship laws too. In some countries nudity is allowed but erections are a no no. Same to females, you can show full frontal but spreading the curtains is a no no too.
Nudity without arousal is what is allowed. Sex sells and with that limitation many will not do nudity in general. They think nudity has to equal sex.
In US media nudity equals sex. You rarely ever see any nudity without a sexualized concept behind it. Foreign media though is more open to nudity; its not seen as always sexual.
Good subject and great pix!
@ T - Oh, how I wish the US would get past that notion. I know I'm an exception to the rule in that I can be perfectly at ease and happy being naked with others (even in mixed company) where anything sexual is the furthest from our minds. I guess that's why I want to change the world! LOL.
@ Jean - Even back in the late 70's, as I toured with a show overseas, there was male frontal nudity on television. I was amazed - and immediately wished the puritanical attitudes in the US would change.
But, you know, I never once thought of the size issue. I think you may have hit that cock right on the head!
What a beautiful gorgeous cut cock which such a big sexxy vein!
I used to be active in the nudist
community but due to health
problems I no longer am. I knew a woman who was the leader of a nudist group. She did not mind seeing a nude man but she hated erections. Her opinion was that no man has an erection without the intent of having immediate sex. She equated having an erection to rape.
@ Chuck - How saw she didn't know what she was talking about - and that nobody felt they could correct her. Physiological functions such as the BOE's have nothing to do with sex. And to further equate an erection to rape she was waaaaaaaaaaaaay off base!
whkattk, no kidding! She was adamant about it though and would not listen to any dissenting opinions. She insisted that a man who got an erection in the presence of a woman intended to rape her. I even went so far as to tell her that I was gay and uninterested in the female body that way. She kicked me from the group and banned me from her groups. Poor sick woman and to think she had influence over other people including lots of young people. Sad.
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