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Have you ever been out on city roads, driving to or from somewhere and have a sudden, extreme and urgent need to piss? I mean so bad, if you don't Stop. Right. Now. you'll piss your pants right then and there? Yeah. That was me last night.
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And the sad thing is (or maybe it isn't) I was only about two blocks from home when I knew - just knew - I wouldn't make it. In fact, I wouldn't make it as far as the stop sign 300 feet away. I pulled over to the side of the street, jumped out of the car yanking open the buttons of my jeans. The piss started to flow as soon as the head of my cock hit open air. I mean, I hadn't even hauled my dick all the way out yet.
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I pissed and pissed and pissed.
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All the while people are driving by. One moped slowed down to take a gander. I really didn't care. All I cared about was...the relief. Whew.
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That's part of the advantage of being a man - being able to haul your cock out and piss anywhere if the need strikes. As a cop said to me not that long ago, "What guy hasn't done that at one point or another?"
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Now, as a man, how can you not love cock?
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And not appreciate what it does for you
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The immense pleasure it brings
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Sure, we feel it misbehaves at times
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But, really, would we have it any other way?
so proud of my dick!!!
Hey, my dear friend.
Sorry to be so few talkative.
I'll be back on Monday and I wish you a marvellos weekend with a lot of bisous and cuddles.
Trust you have a great weekend! Hugs, Patrick
LOL When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. NOW! Great pix, bro. Thanks for all you do for us. Hugs and Strokes, AOM
#2 is my all time favorite. but they are all hot! great collection. Now i have to go take a whiz !
Isn't is so interesting that such a normal body function like taking a piss..... turns into a very erotic thing when we do it outdoors!
@ QH - Yeah, it is, isn't it? Not every time I piss outside (because I do all day, every day to conserve water) - but, the other night I sure boned up while I was pissing. Probably because of being out in full view of all the people driving by. (Proud of my proud cock!)
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