All erotic bloggers are.
Wow! Responses to yesterday's post flew from one end of the spectrum to the other. My personal opinion, of course, is that our bodies should not be a source of shame. A Dear Abby question yesterday addressed this; a woman (30yo) wrote in because she and her husband had moved in with his brother and mother. He grew up in a household where nudity was never a shameful thing. Now, her husband (35yo) and his brother (39yo), and their mother all still wander around the house naked. It bothers this young wife and she wants to order a cease and desist because it bothers her. Abby responded that everyone wear robes when the young wife is around.
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I feel Abby missed the boat and deserves 20 lashes with the proverbial wet noodle. She missed her chance to encourage this young wife to adopt a healthy, rather than a negative, attitude toward the human body; shame and embarrassment is not a healthy way to go through life.
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Years ago, I rushed into a men's restroom, pulling my cock out as I walked (yes, I had to piss that badly), to find a young father with his very young daughter in tow. The urinals were "open" (no privacy panels). He was at one of the three urinals, his daughter close behind him. I admit I was taken aback at first - but only because I'd never been faced with the situation before. He turned to me and nodded, I gave the standard, "How's it goin'." and did my thing. He finished, stuffed his dick in, zipped up, washed and left.
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The human body is as nature provided. Women have breasts.
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Men have penises and testicles.
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Why do we insist on making people ashamed of them? And much more so of the male equipment as one can easily see in the handling of nudity on the screen (large and small) - male frontal nudity is rarely allowed.
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We get the buttocks, or perhaps a fleeting glimpse as the actor pulls on the pants, or moves out of camera range.
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Why do we perpetuate that attitude?
Religions that have an unhealthy negative view of sex is probably the main reason. But what they don't understand is that hiding body parts increases the very thing they are trying to ward off - LUSTFUL THOUGHTS!
When I was little I remember my grandmother telling a story about how her father would tease his mother-in-law by saying oooooo what pretty ankles she has. She would go into a FIT making sure her ankles were covered. Imagine! Naked ankles.
Let's make it nasty to show our hands or feet. Knees and elbows. I believe it is the "covering" of body parts that causes lust rather then the uncovering those parts. When I was a kid, if and RARELY if, the group of church kids went swimming together - called mixed bathing - the boys had to wear t-shirts. It brought attention that something was wrong about being uncovered - and of course that made it all the more exciting and desirable. LOL
Have a happy naked day, bro. Hugs and Strokes, AOM
Bravo! unfortunately, you're only preaching to the choir.
First, thank you my friend, for your two "Je suis Charlie" and your comment about that on my blog.
I have already said what I had to say on AOM's blog, and I shall not repeat it.
But I can add something: when somebody is murdered by a jihadist in his killing frenzy, we say that he is a victim, as we do it for example after a road accident.
When a jihadist is killed they say that he is a martyr, almost a saint.
We are wrong not to use the same semantic reference table.
Whishing you a wondrous day with a lot of absolutely not killing bisous.
I am on my way to Paris. Reports are the city is in turmoil. I have stayed 3 blocks from the Hebdo offices and would have heard the gunfire if I was there.
I will be there 5 wks - you have courage since there are folks who want to silence anyone who may see anything differently. Tolerance really means something. Jean
I really often think one of the reasons guys do not hang out naked with others, is because they are not comfortable with the size of their Dick.
A guy I had picked up one time.... did not want to take is undies off in the day light because as he said,"my dick is not that big"
And low and behold when we did the sexing thing in the dark...his Dick did the jobe perfectly>
Je suis Charlie...
ALL against intolerance and bigotery..
As an astist I will always be FOR the LIBERTY of EXPRESSION in ALL its ways..
Thank you for the support.
We, gays, are also sensible to the religious fanatics that are against our freedom.
Martyrs to freedom!
As usual you have a great collection of images. very arousing and pleasing to look at.
The Male Casting Couch
Postscript: It would be as well desirable, or more exactly necessary, that western democracies stop to bend backwards in front of the countries which subsidise these extremist movements just because they are also rich in oil as in currencies, in gold and in company's share price.
I have trouble understanding the ultimate rationality in provoking a vicious and insane enemy.
@ MFP - My dear Patrick, of course you are absolutely right in your PostScript. No matter the pressure some of us put on our government, the big corporations win. We are becoming - if not already become - an Oligarchy (I think that is the correct term).
@ O!Daddie - it is not intentional provocation - it is a statement of belief when these cartoonists and producers of erotica continue. Are we to cease because it may provoke the ire of an extremist? No, my friend, we must never back down from their tactics.
@ Jean - I pray you have a wonderful trip - in spite of the issues there. Come back safe!!!
Oligarchy, when few people have the power, plutocracy when the more rich have the power.
LOL, anyway they are often the same, right?
Except maybe when a dictator has just taken the power and has not still had time to grow rich in depends on his people.
In movies/tv nudity is seen as purely aesthetics. A naked woman is easier on the eye than a naked man. It also comes from Venus/Mars.
Venus is the image of beauty and she has always been presented as being naked. Over time its become accepted that the role of nudity be of the woman. That dont mean all female nudity is done in good taste or with that level of respect in mind either.
With Mars, he was seen with armour and having strong physic but also being relaxed. Also naked too. The ideal of nudity is strength. He is seen as being strong in his armour but naked when relaxed.
Male nudity in movies is seen differently. Its not held in the same regard. Its seen as either being the joke or the alpha male. It plays more to stereotypes. Man with big penis is King while man with little penis is Jester.
They dont want to show the softer side of the male if they use the Venus/Mars ideal.
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