Well, if jacking off with a buddy or two is fun, think how great a huge gathering would be.
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- Palm Springs starts tomorrow and runs through Sunday. They host other weekends in other places, but I believe this one in May is by far the largest. Of course, this yearly gathering of men from all over the world is in celebration of Masturbation Month.
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This is true group jack-off - meaning no lips below the hips and no fucking. Frot, C2C, mutual, are acceptable activities. There is even a special area set aside for those who don't mind being photographed. (BTW, we'd love some photos sent our way, guys, if any of my Faithful Readers attend.)
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If there isn't a group in your area, this is a great way to give it a try, and take a bit of a vacation at the same time. It's a fantastic experience. You'll feel safe, accepted, and have a terrific time surrounded by men of all sexual orientations enjoying the most common activity known to man: Masturbation.
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Love the new banner !! - Alas, no groups in my area - I'm gonna put an ad on Craig's List (NOT) and found a group of my own (sic)
A helping hand. That say all.
We are helped never too much.
In French: "On est jamais trop aidé."
And you have to pronounce that like "On n'est jamais trop pédé" which means "we are never too much gay"
I wish you a wondrous day, my dear friend, with a lot of bisous.
love all the pics. Very erotic!!!
Great selection as always! Why were these weekends not in Australia when I was young? Not sure they are here even now!
"if jacking off with a buddy or two is fun, think how great a big group would be." Does this mean your volunteering a party??? Count me in!!!
I've long been curious about this gathering.
One of my favorite things about large group jerk offs... is when 3 or 4 guys start to cum, then one after the other follow. Ah! Watching all that Cum!!
@ mistress - If only I could. Although, I did a few times in the past, before our group disbanded.
@ LP - There are groups in Australia... And, bear in mind that you don't need a boner of your own to enjoy being with a group - they'll supply all the hard cocks you can get your happy hands on.
Masturbating with many people is a lot of fun, I am very excited to go to FRICTION WEEKEND soon, I will leave you the information in case someone in the area is encouraged to go https://wickedgayparties.com/party/healthy-friction-weekend-of-masturbation-palm-springs/796
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