At least some parents are beginning to pay closer attention.
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"Merritt Jensen, a pediatric psychologist, works with the division of urology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “I hear a lot of parents just wanting to be reassured it is within the realm of appropriate and typical and that it’s going to work correctly,” she said.
None of these conversations are easy, from the nervous questions in the pediatric office to the specialist referrals.
Dr. Shukla said that he tries to reassure pre-adolescents that if they lose some weight and still feel that there is a problem when they reach puberty, they can come back to address it.
The relevant measurement, at any age, is the stretched penile length, measuring from the pubic bone, and stretching the non-erect penis to the point of resistance; doctors use growth charts that reflect the age and physical maturity.
“I push down and I show them the length and width,” Dr. Shukla said. And he tells them: “You are going to be totally fine, you are going to have a great life.” "
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Dads, pre-adolescents seem to know they don't appear to be measuring up to "normal" - even though they have no idea what that is. But, diet and exercise can and do have an effect on our sexual health. It is your job to teach,
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to counsel,
to reassure,
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to get that medical opinion if something doesn't seem "right" in size, shape,
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and especially function.
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It's been brought to my attention that the Blog Rolls are not sorting as they should (by most recent post of the blogger). Is anyone else having this same issue?
Gif B and picture 6 really got me going!!!!! Yes, I too have noticed some ay least three months now blogrolls are not updating in live time. And sometimes I've noticed mine on other doesn't update for up to a day!!!!!!! I 't making me mad, as I'm missing post of bloggers I read.
At least someone is speaking up if they think there is a problem. Fifty years ago I suspect few doctors and fewer parents even raised the issue of genital development. Great Blog and great input in the comments. It's nice to have a wide range of ages. Bisous Patrick.
Another great post! (I notice that my blog has positioned itself on your roll as it should.)
I remember when I was I Primary School each year we had a visit from a doctor who saw each boy privately, but another older boy was always present. That doctor always had a look at each boy's penis and balls, and asked the boy to cough! I know because I was present on two of these visits. Our family doctor would also occasionally inspect my "dangling" bits! and again ask me to cough! Now I'm talking about 1940s!!!!! So some doctors were aware even in those days!
being aware of our bodies
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