We men do face issues. We have been born with these appendages. We really shouldn't be made to feel ashamed of them.
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As our lovely Jean has pointed out, there is a conscious decision made to snap that photo and to send it out to the web to be seen. While there is nothing wrong with that - those who don't want to see pictures of men's cocks certainly do not have to surf the internet and view them - but, his wife is working in a very tough job, trying to provide for her family, and Mr. Wiener should have used a bit of common sense.
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I think many have made too much of it. A cock is a cock is a cock.
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Every male has one; we all know it.
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They typically get hard (sometimes at the drop of a hat!)
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We all know that, too. It shouldn't shock when it happens, to see it.
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Yet, it does. A large chunk of the world population consider man parts to be lewd, disgusting, and offensive. Until we can change that attitude (as Jean also said - I'm working on it! LOL) ... until we manage to overcome our collective...dismay...until we can change that thought process over public figures being all-too-human, I guess they'll have to put some common sense into the choices they make when it comes to cock exposure.
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I have to say that my disapproval with this gentleman has nothing to do with his sexting his cock. As you say we all have one and I, having been a nudist for 50+ years, have no problem having mine seen in any condition, soft or hard.
That said, my disapproval is that he is a married man, seeming to be obviously looking to hook up with another woman. I believe that if a person takes a vow or promise not to play around on his partner or wife without their approval, that this is inappropriate. I know it happens frequently, especially with married men with other men for well-known reason.
That also said - I hope you will convert men around the world to not be ashamed of their natural gifts since I enjoy viewing and playing as well.
It is Huma Abedin who made the decision to separate from her husband Anthony Weiner, and not the contrary. She said "Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life." It is already not too bad and there is nothing to sneeze at. No more, and certainly less than in the case of very numerous divorces. She is not in the poverty and will not need to prostitute herself to feed her son. Let us not be more royalist than the king and more papist than the Pope.
Hugs, love and bisous to Jean and you.
love my dick so much! he's my best friend!
Wonderful once again! Cortisone injection in right hip today, left hip next Tuesday!
@ MFP - Ah, but, mon ami, I was not attempting to disparage her in any way. On the contrary, I am saying she certainly had (has) enough on her plate to be concerned about and could very well have done without this distraction. She made a perfect statement, and one hopes that puts the issue to rest.
@ Jim - I agree - If one has made the commitment, then one should stand by it. Yet, for some reason, so many men allow their insistent dicks to do their thinking for them. As my own wife once said, "If you tell me ahead of time, and I agree, then I won't feel like it's sneaking around behind my back." LOL.
I like cocks and I'm very happy to have one!
Pat, you are so right. It's one critical lesson I've learned from just living and working, people can handle almost anything if it is not a surprise.
Xersex has it right too, his "dick" is his friend and now It may be Weiner's only friend.
Many bisous to you and French Patrick.
Zac is my "other" boy after Tom Daley.
Of the men shown, 1, 2, 4 and 7 are well put together, but Zac Efron (12) is the most amazing of the lot.
Sadly, Anthony Weiner is not in their league except perhaps in his own mind. Considering everything that was at stake, he was reckless if not insane to be sexting the way he did; especially insofar as he involved his son.
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