A Faithful Reader from Germany asks if I might address an issue many older men face: The uncooperative cock.
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It's a well-known fact that, as we age, it takes more stimulation for a longer period of time to get an erection strong enough for penetrative sex. We may get a boner hard enough to stroke out a load - though it may not be as satisfactory as when we were young and horny.
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It is a matter of blood flow to the cock. We get it to flow in - but keeping it there is another matter.
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Our friend from Germany suggests - and rightly so - that, before we resort to chemicals, we give the Vacuum Erection System a try. In the old days, doctors recommended this FDA-approved solution to their male patients who suffered from Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
The vacuum pump comes with a constrictor ring, which is placed around the very base of the pump. Once a fully hard erection is attained with the pump, the ring is slipped down onto the base of the penis to maintain the hardness.
The man then has 30 minutes to achieve an ejaculation and remove the ring, or face permanent damage to penile tissue.
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You can still find these kits in pharmacies. They are available Over-the-Counter. Of course, most men are way too embarrassed to walk in and purchase them. The internet now provides an alternate way to get one. And many guys buy them just to have fun.
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Some buy them in an attempt to enlarge their cock.
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If you're going to use one of these - whether it is to assist with ED or just for fun - don't misuse it. You've got one cock, guys,
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and you don't want to lose it because you were careless with a toy.
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you must be very careful to avoid breaking the muscular tissue of the dick !!!
Very interesting information. Thanks for always taking care of us. I hope you are well and feeling good, bro. Wishing you a bonerific jizztastic day! Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
Great advice once again! Very nice photos too! Unfortunately, these do not help everyone. Trust you are feeling better!
Very good post. I bought a penis vacuum. I have always found it a turn on to get my cock even harder then it usually gets. And I don't know if it gets bigger, but the Lad like me to pump it in the vacuum before he bottoms for me. My erections are always pretty strong, but I noticed using one they get like steel!!!
Claustrophobia! ;-)
I guess there is a lot of reasons not to use meds but does it work that well? Especially when you're trying to add some sense of passion to the process? If this is a do-it-yourself, by yourself, a different matter. What do I know...At least the guys in the pics seem pleased.
Very good post!
I'd agree that pumps can be dangerous. Also the erection produced isn't as sensitive - at least that's my memory - I haven't used one in years. I take a daily half Cialis and that allows my cock to appear pretty much whenever I take the time to worship it. There are off-shore vendors that make that affordable, and what's more valuable than a hardon?
@ fullmoonma - Yes, the pump-fueled boner can actually be LESS sensitive...
@ LP - My liege, I sure wish we could find a solution for you. That TURP surgery did you in... I know it's a relief to be able to piss properly, but losing the ability to get a hard-on has got to be frustrating.
@ Jean - If you have a partner willing to use this as a part of foreplay, it shouldn't pose too much of a problem. Of course, a guy could always get ready ahead of time...
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