The second part of yesterday's post was, partially, a response to two different emails from readers. One, asking why guys jerk off so much. The second, from a woman pretty much asking the same thing.
"My husband works in construction and comes home everyday and goes in to shower. Then he typically lays on the bed and naps until I tell him supper is ready. He either jacks off in the shower or does it when he plops down on the bed after the shower. We still have plenty of sex, so it's not like I'm complaining about that. But, why does he jack off so much?"
Well, I've answered the first so many times it should be an auto-reply. The second, is simple yet complicated.
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Masturbation helps us relax after a hard day. Heck, we may not even cum (thought that's probably rare). It's a way to drown out the world, forget about the problems that have plagued us during our day; it's a way to unwind. It's "me time."
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Guys jack off in the shower, partly because the boner pops up with the washing of the cock and balls,
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and partly because it saves us the effort of cleaning up.
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No clean-up is also one of the reasons we like jacking off outside.
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But, overall, though you didn't say how old you are, I'm guessing you're both still young. Your husband's libido is high. In our youth, we guys could cum several times a day - every day.
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If you are, say, in your thirties or older, it's likely that his testosterone levels are on the higher end of the scale. That he gets erections so easily - and enjoys them - is great.
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That's something to celebrate.