So many comments and emails over the past week. Thank you all so very, very much!
I am recovering again, I think. I hope.
The surgeon warned that the new lens could be rejected due to the placement on the outside of the eye. But, we didn't anticipate the infection four weeks post-surgery. It's entirely possible that getting into the pool may have done it, but he doubts it. He says it's more likely I picked up some bug when we went out grocery shopping.
Well, whatever the case, it's mending again. Posts may be sporadic.
In the meantime, Blogger is still plaguing me when attempting to leave comments on other blogs.
Now even Internet Explorer doesn't work.
Your doctor amuses me. If I understand correctly, according to him, there should be at the entrance to grocery stores a warning against the risk, if one has had eye surgery, of catching a bug.
But what the hell is Trump doing who should have delivered birth to a law for that to be mandatory!
But what the hell is your doctor doing who did not warned you in time!
I hope that your next step will be the good one once for all. Courage, my friend.
Internet Explorer is an antiquity that has been replaced by Edge for years. But both have never been very good. I recommend you Google Chrome which you can download for free then into which you will can import automatically from I.E. all your bookmarks, all your logs in, etc.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Keep the faith! Everything will be fine.
Guess Blogger's changing or somethin'. 🤷♂️
Anyways, get better soon, man! 🙂
Hoping this is long term good news for you. I'll hold you in my prayers and best thoughts.
Phew! So glad to hear you are on the mend! We were very worried. Please be extra, extra careful to avoid the risk of another infection. Try not to go out in public at all but if you must, please wear a face shield. And take whatever maximal protections your doctor recommended. Once you are fully healed you can get back in the swing of things. Best wishes for a full recovery! Andy (from NY City where despite entering Phase II today, most of us are still quarantined in our small apartments going on 4 months...)
All appendages crossed, and naked dances performed.
Glad to hear it seems to be getting better.
Also, try chrome. It helped me tons with the commenting on blogger.
Wishing you the best. Stay out of the grocery store for a while.
Well, I will try posting again. So glad to see you're making progress, just try and take one day at a time. Hugs and Bisous.
So glad you are able to be back, buddy. I hope things work out for you and soon. Thanks for all you do for us, my Friend. Wishing you all the best. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
Switch to Chrome or Firefox. New explorer is junk. Microsoft Edge is junk. Sorry about your troubles with your eye. Sending positive healing energy your way. Love the pics of the dude shopping nude. Wouldn't go over well at my local market, however. Especially these days... Take good care of yourself.
I like what Sean Kelly (above) said so I ditto that!
Wait, you had surgery scheduled right now?
Corona-chan sez "Maybe some other time?"
@ Anon, 9:18 AM - Yep. Second time.
Sounds like you are on the path to healing again. Hope it stays that way. All the best!
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