Friends. Close friends, faraway friends, cyber friends, longtime friends, newfound friends, friends we haven't seen for years suddenly reappear. Each and every one serves a purpose in our lives.

"A college friend reached out to me after about 15 years. We kep in touch every once in a while but he contacted me to say he was relocating to my city and asked if he could couch surf with me until he got settled. So I agreed. After a a few nights of him on my couch I told him he could share the bed. He's straight - always had his pick of women anywhwere he went. I'm gay and have never been int he closet about it. So I wake up that first morning with his arm draped over me and his morning log pressed intot he small of my back. I slipped out of bed and didn't mention it. Two days later in the early afternoon he told me he was going to shower and then lay down for a bit. I waited until the shower started and sat on the couch to take advantage of the privacy. He suprised me when he walked in and I grabbed a throw pillow to cover up. He didn't say a word. He smiled, knelt between my legs then took the pillow and set it aside. Then he proceeded to give me the most incredible blow job of my life. He's still here and we have some great sessions on a regular basis. He still says he's straight. How can that be?"

I don't hear any complaints, am I right?
Labels mean nothing. If he wants to self-identify as straight, who am I to argue? My suggestion is to simply enjoy having a friend there with you during the CV-19. Accept him without question, knowing that some day he may move on. And don't hold it against him. In the meantime, you're friends with benefits.
Treat each other with kindness and respect. You never know when you might be asking him for a bed to sleep in.
I had a straight friend who always slept with men but would deny he was gay or bi. He was totally unnerved by being caught sleeping with men I think. Yet he loved the cock!
What a great answer. I love that we're evolving to the point where labels and their meanings belong to the individual, rather than to society. Because society has not always done a great job being stewards of people's identities. Those who still cling to older ways of thought, those afraid of change... they hate this movement. I must admit, when gender became fluid, I mentally crossed my arms and said... now hang on a minute... but I am on board now. For a long time I have believed that relationships, like labels, belong to those involved and are to be defined by only them. There are all kinds of love in the world. Let's make room in our gardens to allow all of them to grow.
Well, yes.
Sexual orientation is fluid. If he says he's hetero-flexible, then he's hetero-flexible. But this is a wham-bam-thank-you-man kinda situation. Basically the definition of NSA.
Sounds like a good arrangement to me. Just don't fall in love.
completely straight? I can't believe it (and him)
As always good advice and kindness. The Golden Rule. Hugs and bisous.
BTW. Your comments yesterday were hilarious with just the right picture for each one! Encore Hugs and bisous.
If he self-identifies as straight, it's perhaps because he thinks that to suck is not to fuck and that the demarcation line between gays and straights is right in the middle between these two words.
Personally, this kind of false problem has never tickled my brain. I am as I am, and I do not need the approval and even less the authorization of anyone, even as wise and thoughtful as you are.
Have a great weekend my darlings Jean and Pats. Hugs and bisous.
Can't help being amused when you remark "don't hold it against him" and follow up with a couple of pictures of guys holding "it" against another guy's "him".
Perhaps I'm dead wrong, but I have for some time now thought every human being (male and female) on this planet is....dare I use the label: bi.
Given the circumstance, I think most everyone might stray from their "usual" preference. Sometimes our usual preference is unavailable.....think prison.
Or, someone outside one's usual preference might come along that starts out as a dare or a hilarious exhibition and eventually ends up "comingling" on the sofa or against the kitchen counter.
Or, a certain person outside our norm wows our attention because it is THAT person.....think Ennis in Brokeback Mountain.
It is conceivable that the person sleeping on the contributor's couch would prefer romping with a woman, but isn't going to pass up a good dick either.
I am thinking one can be 99% one preference or another, but down really deep, no one is absolutely 100% at all times in all situations. I'd venture a guess that most people walking around are in the 70/30 to 90/10 range.
As I say, I could be way wrong.
@ Anon - I suppose you could place that label on everyone. We all - every one of us - fall somewhere on The Bell Curve, which depicts human sexuality from 100% straight to 100% gay.
Left one from the first (b&w) shot, please! 🖤🤍🖤🤍
@ Rad - That's an interesting question. I'm sure there are plenty, though. It only makes sense...if the other party is amenable, why not?
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