A young man left an anonymous comment on the Exercise post. He seemed pretty rattled and left me no way to contact him. All I could do was promise to do a post for him.
"I have a problem and don't know who to go to. ... my nuts and dick are already twiceas big as the other guys in the locker room and they call me bull balls and donkey dick Even my shorts don't fit me in there Are they going to keep growing or what I can't talk to my mom it would embarras us ... Please tell me what to do"
That they tease you is normal "young guy" behavior because at that age we have no knowledge and don't know how to handle a situation. Try to take their teasing as just part of locker room hi-jinx; joking around. Tease them: Wave it at them. Tell them, "You just wish yours was this big."
Our cocks continue to develop and grow as we do. Typically, by the age of 18, we reach physical maturity. Chances are, the rest of the guys you deal with will catch up. If, on the other hand, you end up "well endowed," you'll have to learn to deal with it.
If you're really concerned there is something wrong, and you might need to see a doctor, do you have an adult male you can trust whom you can talk to? An uncle or grandfather?
But, she's got to know you're growing and maturing. Your voice has most certainly dropped in register, you may be getting facial hair...those are true signs. She's not going to be surprised that your balls and cock are reaching man-size proportions.
I get the feeling your mom has been buying the typical briefs that she's been getting you since you began wearing underwear. Those will no longer do. You are going to have to steel your nerves and tell your mom your underwear is too small. But you have to be the one to buy the new stuff. Because you need true "pouch" briefs...something that will accommodate you.
As you become older, I hope you will learn to be proud of your cock. As one reader commented below yours, "Consider it a badge of honor."
We've all gone through this stage.
Do you have any advice for this young man?
The only advice I have for him is, well, congrats!
All those boys in the locker room are going to be jealous in a year or two, when they discover that HE had actually drawn the longer stick.
He needs to talk to his family doctor so the doc explains that it's all very natural. Also, it may be time for him to go shopping for his own underwear. Even though I still wear tighty whities (oh, there's a story to that) some men who are bigger do need the pouch.
Well, you took the words right out of my mouth literally!
Yep. go and be proud!!! And you can bet, those boys are just joking or jealous. They are totally watching that thing swing when your naked.
I think this charming boy would be much more upset if he had balls as big as peas and a penis as long as the butt of a cigarette without a filter.
I think there is no universal standard setting one balls and cock's size that would be mandatory for all males in the human species, and therefore some have more and others have less.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat. Have a great weekend.
how much young?
You're not going to be able to control how big any part of your body ends up. Just remember-- comments such as 'bull balls' and 'donkey dick' are based in jealousy and envy!
If your buddies end up being 'less fortunate' than you are, just strip off your clothes confidently and walk through the locker room proudly! "Grin and bare it!"
Enjoy it while you can. They should all be so lucky.
I've been reading this blog for a long time now and this one really struck home. I wondered if this could be my son? That would be awful. He was 2 when his father died and I know he doesn't want to talk to me about this kind of thing. I swear I'm calling my brother to talk to my son and make sure everything is okay. - Jen-Jen
See? This is why I was so open with my sons all their lives. - Dad
This situation is one that speaks directly to what this website is all about: learning about male genitalia, and how to be at ease with being a man. Teenagers don't know how to compliment a man on his cock or balls, or even just to be curious about them and to ask legitimate questions. Unfortunately it's not something we're taught (at least in the US), and have little opportunity to witness adult male role models doing. Heaven forbid teen boys appear gay (which is a silly fear), or be accused of harassment... the only option is to make a joke of things. Teasing is the only safe way to bond, so that's what they do; they don't necessarily mean to embarrass or be hurtful.
Definitely something to just enjoy. Though I must disagree in one way: Typically the penis reaches adult length at around 15.
I wish readers would post real stories and accurate information. In this day and age what young man is going to feel bad for being well endowed? Seriously c'mon man. And I happen to also know that teen males these days make a great effort to cover and conceal themselves in locker room situations. Let's discuss real concerns
@ Six - A story behind the tighty-whities? Do tell!
@ Jen-Jen - I hope your brother steps up for you.
@ elmsprite - Thank you! You're right on all counts.
@ Dad - Your sons have been very lucky to have you for a father. So many boys are lacking any guidance at all.
There should be no shame. Literally, in any sphere of our lives. Especially between family members. So, you gave a solid advice. Talk that talk. And fix the issue. 🙂 It's simple. And it should be.
Btw, that last GIF of Brandon from SeanCody... He's always just so FINE. 💪🏻🔥
He's afraid to talk to his mom? we certainly get that. our mom would blown a gasket. that's why we told the judge to let us live with our dad. - 2Rs
I went through the opposite situation to the lad: anxiety over being much smaller than the average and I felt just as isolated despite having other males in the vicinity who might have helped, except no-one stepped up and I was too ashamed to ask.
The reality is that the universe is filled with diversity: even at a simplistic level, men cluster around an idealised "male" template but there is wide variation in proportion from that ideal; it's just the way it is. Add to that rates of development being different between men and you have a potential for men to be well endowed and to reach that stage early in their lives at one end of the spectrum and men under-endowed who don't even reach that size until later in their life at the other. Eventually we all reach the size our biology dictates at that point in time, but even then there will be diversity within the population, so start to accept the fact.
Being different from the average can be difficult because it provides something to be used as a joke or veiled criticism: something men express as a result of competitiveness or even envy. But don't take it personally, because it isn't a reflection of you but a reflection of them: every one of those guys not as well developed as you will be envious and the rest are trying to cut down tall poppies to their size.
This is only one very simple example of diversity at play and the universe is filled with them. The moral of this story is to become more comfortable with diversity of every kind: it's not something to be feared because it is a universal reality. What is important is how we deal with the reality of diversity.
So, to the lad who posed the issue, quit worrying about what others say and manage your underwear and clothing to make your reality most comfortable: your development is likely normal for you, even if it is not what you expected or wanted in relation to your peers. If you are still concerned, talk with a Doctor and get a professional opinion or with other men you respect: your peers are likely as confused as you are and not necessarily useful sources of information.
We are all unique and deserve respect and not ridicule for our unique diversity. You will probably need further guidance on how to deal with the specific implications of your unique diversity, as do we all: that's why "forums" of this type are so useful in overcoming the shame associated with a relative information vacuum.
@ Xersex - 14.
one day he will be proud of what he is now ashamed of!
@ Xersex - I sure hope so. Men do not need to be ashamed.
You know, I much smaller than the average men, so small yet so confident and don’t mind having a small cock at all. My dad has a little dick and always said to own it. Be the first to make jokes, it's really liberating once your buddies know you have a small cock.
You're right...getting ahead of it is really the easiest way to handle teasing. Many comics take this approach - look at Kevin Hart.
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