"Thanks to you for your reply and your readers for the comments. My father came in for his second massage over the weekend. Like I said in a comments discussion with one reader, my dad didn't ask if I would do it for him, he only asked if I do it for my clients. Since he expressed his disappointment afterward and booked another session, I was much more willing but did want to know what others thought. His wife passed away and like the rest of us single guys he's left to his own devices. I didn't touch his dick until it got hard. I know a couple comments said they'd be grossed out masturbating their father. Oddly enough I actually kind of felt it an honor to help him out knowing he's on his own and knowing how important human touch can be. He left feeling much better this time. So thanks for the encouragement."
Thanks for sharing that with us. We often forget that our parents are still human and crave human touch. Many will think, as some did, "Ew." But, we have to remember there are plenty of guys for whom father-son interaction is a fantasy.
I'm glad you found our thoughts helpful. In the end, though, you were the only one who could truly make this decision. As long as you and you dad are both okay with this that's all that matters.

I gave a hand job and maybe some oral to a friends dad once...but no way could i have done that to my own dad as others said. But to each their own toots.
Well, it's true.
It's his decision. And you are right. How many porn videos do the dad/son thing? There's a whole cottage industry based on that, for pete's sake.
And it's two adults. Whatever they do is THEIR business.
Also, that gentleman in the third gif? Oh LaLa. Yes, please?
I'm glad there was a happy ending to the story. (Pun intentional.)
Hope all is well. Stay healthy. Stay safe. Happy Holidays.
It was predictable, but it's nice of your reader to see us know the rest and end of his "problem".
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Thanks for all you have given us over the years, my Dear Friend. You are a gift to the world. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
We have been so indoctrinated with homophobia that many men automatically view caring physical contact with another man (as opposed to aggressive physical contact like in sport) as at least distasteful and perhaps disgusting and unmanly, so it seems like the sky might fall if this should happen, which dissuades a lot of men from exploring a new dimension. In truth, the sky rarely falls and we wonder in hindsight what all the fuss and concern was about because other men are essentially just like us.
I'm glad that the OP was able to explore this dimension with his Dad and it is indeed an honour to be able to help a fellow man in need, out. I think of it like an extension of the good samaritan principle. Just be prepared for further frequent massage session requests ;-)
It would be great if more men explored this dimension and became comfortable with helping friends out, not only to save the masseurs from overwork, but to reduce the amount of sexual frustration and thus tension in the world. I believe that much of the social conflict we experience is due to men not getting the amount of sex they individually need: masturbation is good, however human contact during sex can be better.
Few men are willing to ask for a hand outright, especially from other men, largely through fear of an aggressive reaction or offense leading to loss of other engagement or esteem. Consequently we tend to test the waters and approach indirectly first to determine the lay of the land. It is therefore not surprising that the OP's Dad first tried to determine if the masseur lended a hand to his clients in general and once having that confirmed was hopeful that he would be included without having to ask, but was disappointed when it didn't happen.
We men must work on our willingness to communicate more openly and directly without fear or favour, instead of beating about the bush. I believe that innuendo developed as an indirect approach to asking for what we want, whilst being ambiguous enough to be passed off as a misunderstanding if it backfired.
I'm not sure exactly how to go about this. In my own personal experience, I was really into a friend and wanted to add a sexual dimension, but was afraid of losing the friendship and making an overt request, so I used indirect means to test the water; he was having a similar difficulty, unbeknownst to me, although he eventually summoned the courage to ask, obviously very nervously, if I would be offended if he suggested engaging in mutual masturbation. When the gods want to punish you, they answer your prayers. All that hesitation and lost opportunity when we both yearned for the same thing but were too afraid to openly express it.
Perhaps the first step is broader recognition of how important sex is in men's lives and how often it is frustrated, so that we better appreciate that maybe most men are seeking something more.
I think society underestimates men's need for sex and in particular the ongoing needs of single more mature men and those with a disability. We certainly don't do anything to ensure all men are satisfied, but leave it up to each individual to get what they can. I think this is a peculiar attitude to take when society has evolved out of the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest approach in other aspects of life and I would like to see it rectified by reducing homophobia and encouraging men to give their fellow man a helping hand by asking and/or offering always with mutual consent in mind and not taken by force. We can't leave it up to women as they have a vested interest in controlling men through regulating access to sex and prostitution is financially discriminatory, not to mention actively discouraged.
WOOF & WOW! Thanks
Last night we had great clear weather for a change, it’s hard to get darkness on the East Coast but I got a chance to see the planets too.
I hope a good omen for 2021. Hugs and bisous.
The older man in the gif has a nice load which I would very much like to see.
@ Jean - According to the astrologists, this is supposed to signal "new beginnings." But, dammit all! they did not say whether that portends good.
I hope my boys would help me out if I needed it and asked. Is that terrible? - Dad
your blow is so useful and helpful!
really dad? well, if the need arises. lol - 2rs
I think it's rather sweet, a son caring for his Dad and a Dad seeking help with a human need from his son.
If the Dad were in some way physically incapacitated, it could be seen as a wholly compassionate response for the son to lend a hand. Why not also if it's an emotional need.
@ Anon 24 Dec 6:41 AM - No "Dad", that would not be terrible if they chose to lend you a hand, but the way you pose the statement seems like an expectation that they would and potentially a guilt trip if they don't.
Relationships between family members are complicated by the power dynamic that often exists between parent and child, which encourages the child to comply with requests from an authority figure: it's why "children" are deemed unable to consent to sexual activity.
Although your boys are adults I believe, there is still the possibility that they would feel compelled to help you out, if you asked, rather than choosing to help you out or not.
Families are messy, which is why it would be better if you could find an accommodating buddy to help you out if necessary before turning to family members.
Nevertheless, since they are adults, it would be interesting to ask the boys how they would feel about lending their Dad a hand, if the need arose, without any compulsion or expectation.
@anon dec 24 823 - we're all joking. but I will tell you if our dad couldn't do for himself I thin me and my brother would both be more than willing - R
@ R - It's often difficult to tell when a joke is being made and jokes can be a way to test the water, so don't be too surprised at a request from "Dad" in the near future (or even vice versa?). ;-)
Good to see young men so open-minded: the education by Dad (including inadvertently seeing him masturbate) has obviously left an impression.
The parent-child relationship generally evolves over time to be more adult-adult anyway.
Best wishes to all for 2021 choosing your life, your way.
Well, to be quite honest... 😏 Everyone likes a good massage! 👌🏻 And thanks to Covid, there's basically no touching anywhere, worldwide. Hope that changes soon. 🙄
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