Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Greet the Day


Wake up,

roll over,

greet the day,

and say "Good morning" to your little friend


SickoRicko said...

What a fun post! Have a great Hump Day!

Your French Patrick said...

Magnificent parade of photos that are out of the ordinary!

Good nights, my dear Jean and Pat.
Have a great day.

Your French Patrick said...

Magnificent parade of photos that are out of the ordinary!

Have great nights and awakenings my darlings Jean and Pat.

JeanWM said...

Have a good rest of the day, Hugs and Bisous

Big Dude said...

Best way to start the day...unloading the excess semen in your testicles. It's fun and healthy.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Definitely one of the best ways to start (or end) a day.


Descamisado said...

Morning wood - one of the great pleasures of being a male animal!

uptonking said...

Hmmm... I really must revisit my morning routine. Clearly... something has been missing. Kizzes.

Xersex said...

love these pics!

Anonymous said...

I love humping the mattress when I wake up slowly and then give my cock a good rub and drain my balls before getting up and have a still semi-hard morning pee. A fun way to start the day.

Cale said...

Woke up with a nice boner today, not an everyday occurrence anymore, although they often happen in the middle of the night. Felt really good. I enjoy being erect. Lends a firm (no pun intended) sense of vitality.

whkattk said...

@ Cale - It's true - there's a sense of vitality and virility with the morning boner. I can still wake with one - once in a while. When I noticed it happening less and less, I found it rather depressing.

Horny Night Romance said...


whkattk said...

@ Horny Night - Hi! Glad to have you with us!