The Special Counsel's reports --- yes, reports, plural --- have been released; both the Jan 6 investigation and the one on Hunter Biden. Personally, having spent the majority of my 9+ years in the military working in a Secure Compartmented Information facility (SCIF), I want to see the one on the Documents case. Maybe the Biden administration will be smart enough to dismiss the cases against the two low-level defendants and release the report.
Today is
It's a legitimate excuse to play with your balls.
Make sure you do that TSE.
And it wouldn't hurt to give the cock a good once-over while you're there.
Oh, we all knew The Felon was guilty. HE knows he's guilty. THAT is why he run for the presidency and THAT is what his followers enabled. Shame on them.
I'd don't need any excuse to play with my dick!
Daily task. If you shave 'em, you check 'em.
Thanks for the reminder!
Check my balls and cock daily.
Oh dear, today is not the day. Tomorrow is!
Thanks for reminding us. Even with the flue we will check each other's balls.
As a Canadian, this late, late, publishing of Jackson's report is so ridiculous and out of time.
This should have been done years ago before that clown even think of coming back for election.
This only shows how your Justice system when wealthy people can influence the outcome of a court.
NEVER here in Canada such a felon and insurectionist could even think to be on any official ballots.
USA's reputation as a Law & Order democracy is going down on international reputation.
The DOJ has certainly let our country down by not getting started earlier. Hugs and bisous.
Yep. As has been said on newsfeeds: "Those who voted for him own it."
No excuse needed - but supplied anyway! LOL
Ah, true!
You're welcome.
Good man!
Oh, fer.... You're RIGHT! I'm a day early. Don't know where me brain is - I lost it somewhere.
The release of the report is important. Otherwise, this would be lost forever - because Trump and his cronies would delete is all from the records. The documents case will be lost once he takes over.
You're right that our reputation has been lost around the world. And it's sad....
They did. They dragged their feet way too long. It should've started immediately after Biden's inauguration. Hugs and bisous!
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