Friday, January 10, 2025




Well, the truth of it is I just don't feel like it. What can I say? Winter is coming. And that depresses me.

Y'all will have to deal with a simple photo post again and decide what to make of it.


uptonking said...

Winter has been here for a while. I deal with it the same way I am going to deal with the next four years... keep my head down and move forward. January and February are soul-killers for me. I feel like I am in prison. The only thought that keeps me going is that come May, the clothes come off and the prairie will begin anew.

Jean said...

It worked! I don’t know what I did maybe, the stars had to line up! And maybe with the stars lined up now, you are going to be a famous author/playwright. Hugs and bisous.

SickoRicko said...

Simple, but beautiful.

Mistress Maddie said...

You know...I never pass up on cock! I love all the season's....but Ill say your temps would be mild here currently. It was 17 here this morning.

whkattk said...

Yeah, for GOT folks, it's arrived and it will be a long one. I try to keep my head down, and look forward to Spring and then Summer.

whkattk said...

Oh, yeeay! From your keyboard.... Have a wonderful time in Paris!
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...


whkattk said...

Comparatively, yep, it's mild here. Yet, I hate this time of year. All I do is dream of Summer and more clothes-free days in the pool.

CAAZ said...

This post makes this wintery day here in Southern Ontario much more bearable. Delicious hard cocks which led to mine being rock hard in my underwear.

Milleson said...

Well Pat, dang! That Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) hits a lot of people during the fall and winter months. If you're needing some diversions to take your mind off the blahs of the season, your #3 guy is someone with whom you may not be acquainted. He is Draconblue, a farmer/rancher in the Northwest and has lots of short and longer vids of him doing chores around his farm...spring, summer, fall, winter...totally nekkid and sporting wood. He comes off as a good ole' country boy with a stupid accent with a "Howdy Folks" greeting but I'm mesmerized by his bravado and posting his "thing" on the internet.

Up here in the PNW, we are experiencing a mild winter so far; no snow, rain showers often, windy often, but often enough when the rain stops, the clouds give way to brilliant sunshine and some nice sunsets. I live for those sunbreaks.

Politically, one of the things that keeps me going is the knowledge that whats-his-doofus's inauguration parade crowd will pale in comparison to the monstrous crowds across the country, who will be seeing and cheering his hearse instead of a limo. Count on it!

Anonymous said...

I'd know just what to do if I saw you soft...

Harlowboi91 said...

I like the first black and white photo with the guy sitting on the sofa, Very handsome.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps get a large screen TV, play videos of the Bahamas beaches or equivalent, crank up the heating, remove clothes and lay on a towel, prepare food and drinks with a tropical bent and imagine you are there.

I'm frankly surprised we haven't developed aromavision to help transport us to destinations as smell is a powerful sense in connecting us with memories.

whkattk said...

I hope it all helped you warm up a bit.

whkattk said...

I shall have to do a search for him.
Yeah, GOT fans will prefer the cheering of the hearse.

whkattk said...

It might be harder than you get a rise out of mine, that is. But I would applaud your attempts. LOL

whkattk said...

He is, indeed.

whkattk said...

I may see if I can find "Endless Summer" and watch on a loop!