Friday, February 7, 2025

Still Exhausted



Went to bed early. Slept late. Still exhausted.

Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Where’s the beef ?!!!
In bed ! :)
-CA jock

SickoRicko said...

Have a restful weekend. Take care.

Mistress Maddie said...

By the pictures you posted are you trying to tell us your exhausted!!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well the weekend starts today.
Officially! 🤣


William said...

Thanks for the great pics. Have a great weekend, yourself. Relax, rest, and recover.

whkattk said...

Good place for it, though, right?

whkattk said...

Thanks. I did, kind of....

whkattk said...

LOL. Very much so.

whkattk said...

It could've lasted.... Or, I could've just run away.

whkattk said...

Trying to recover from all the bs is strenuous. LOL

CAAZ said...

Not sure how I missed this post, but glad I saw it today. Great butts on these guys, yum.

uptonking said...

Sleep is nice. I wake in the morning now and (it's so cold) fight with myself to get up out of bed. It takes me an additional 20 minutes at least. I have spent the night getting comfortable and making it all nice and warm... seems a terrible waste to undo it all so soon only to have to do it all again so soon. Kizzes.

whkattk said...

Yeah, I sometimes wonder why I bother to get out of bed except for necessities.