"My boyfriend said before we moved in together he needed to tell me that he masturbates every morning either before he gets out of bed or in the shower and he wouldn't change that He says it's good for his health I think he's bsing me"
No, he is not bullshitting you. It is a fact that frequent ejaculations help men to maintain a healthy prostate and lower the risk of prostatitis and/or prostate cancer. It also lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and increases the heart rate so it's like doing a bit of cardio every morning. Bravo to him for jacking off daily. Bravo to him for telling you. He won't have to hide it like so many men do.
Allow me to add: every once in a while, you might offer to lend a hand.
Try to have a great weekend!
Well I certainly hope this guy writing a letter is not upset that his boyfriend masturbates every day. I mean first of all it's like seeing a free show! And who doesn't want to do something that feels good and is healthy for the body. Which is rare so you might as well enjoy it.
Good for him!
And here I assumed it was a woman writing in. I could be wrong. Regardless, it does feel good and is healthy for the body - rare indeed.
I agree, 100%
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