Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Too Lazy



I do have questions that were sent in. I answered the emails, I'm just feeling too lazy to post.

Hope you don't mind....


Doremi said...

Qu'ils sont mignons tous et ils dorment tous à poils ; le bonheur !!

CAAZ said...

I am right there with you on the lazy part, although these hunks got be excited.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, but you gave me that man with the salt and pepper hair. And now I DO have motivation.


Rade said...

I understand that feeling totally! I'm going to go with "It's seasonal!" No sun, no motivation. Not quite "Sun's out; buns out" weather (though that is never here in RI, except for maybe about 3 hours in late July). FORCING the body to go through the motions of going to the gym, to Tai Chi, etc. when all the body wants to do is crash on the couch and binge watch "Strange New Worlds" (for the 20th time).

SickoRicko said...

You still offered us quite a nice bunch of men.

Mistress Maddie said...

I think a lot of people are feeling the same way Pat. It's so funny because of the blogs I read have either not been posting or are only featuring memes lately. I feel no one is in the mood to blog. Which isn't good. If we become a dime a dozen who will want to read? But some days it's hard to smile with this bullshit.

whkattk said...

En effet, ils le font!

whkattk said...

Wish I could say the same.

whkattk said...

Glad to be of service.

whkattk said...

Seasonal... Yeah, let's go with that!

whkattk said...

I try to.

whkattk said...

Yeah, I try to convince myself of that. Most days, I'm okay but today I'm completely exhausted. And the reason for posting as I do is because I don't want to be just another photo blog.

Anonymous said...

There’s always tomorrow! Or, since Wednesday is usually a humor day, there’s always Thursday, or even the next day you’re feeling stumped! But I always enjoy the Q&A, especially when it provokes lots of comments!

Big Dude said...

I don't mind looking at hard dicks. Masturbation inspiration.

whkattk said...

True. So I did a double for Midweek Mirth.

whkattk said...

I figured most wouldn't mind. Looks like I figured correctly.

Anonymous said...

It's okay to look after yourself, we don't expect you to be obliged to work 24/7 on our behalf. Perhaps you could reduce postings to 3 days a week and then drop additional days when you don't feel up to it: we will survive.

uptonking said...

Laziness is a sin. Yay, welcome sinner. I'd bake you a cake, but I'm too lazy.

whkattk said...


Anonymous said...

who is the stunning guy in the last two photos?

whkattk said...

Don't have a name. But you could maybe do a search with one of the photos.

whkattk said...

I've been contemplating that.