More (Cock) Self-Maintenance
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Nocturnal emissions. Sleeping ejaculations. Wet dreams. Dumb-cum (as we used to call it). These are also a form of auto-maintenance of the body... If they don't ejaculate for an extended period of time, some guys will end up having a wet dream. Damn near the entire male population has had at least one in their lifetime - that will typically be the very first ejaculation; the one that indicates everything is locked, loaded, and ready on the firing line.
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Wet dreams are not uncommon, though they're usually restricted to our adolescence. Raging hormones combine with the night time boners, add stimulation from rustling sheets, blankets, or pressure against the mattress fuels a sexual dream state, and before you know it: Wham! the balls pull up and the cum blasts forth. As we age, the hormones settle down and we become sexually active, whether jacking off or engaging in partner activity, wet dreams taper off.
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But, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the end of them in our lifetime. I still have them upon very rare occasion. I'll wake up as my cock begins jettisoning, just in time to toss the covers off. (One more reason to keep that hand towel near the bed.) It's not due to a lack of cumming, but rather an indication that blood-oxygen boner has thrown me into a highly-charged dream of sex.
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The body is a wonderful thing. It finds ways to take care of things when (or if) we don't. However, my opinion has always been that dreams fade into forgetfulness. I prefer to be fully awake to enjoy the sensations.
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N°4 I wondered if he is Quinn Christopher Jaxon, but in fact he is Davis @ Maverick Men (
N°1 Is it a photo of the lecture hall of the university where you lavish your lectures on your pupils, these lectures of which we have the pleasure to receive samples on your blog?
Have a wondrous weekend, my very dear friend, with lots of my bisous.
Happy Hard and Soaked New Year Brother! Ah, I wish I could have a WD every night! LOL Every once in awhile I still have one but they are way too far and few between. Thanks for all the great info. Wish you many WDs this cumming year. Wanking with you in spirit each day, bro! Hugs and Strokes, AOM
I want to attend university at the one in #1! Any chance? Great post! Nights with wet dreams belong to the past, I'm afraid. Great cocks! Hot cum! Thanks!
I still get the occassional wet dream, and like you I often find myself waking up just as I'm cumming.
I accept them more now than I used to, in the past I considered it a disaster, shameful and dirty.
But since finding your blog I've come to understand that our bodies do things for a reason, that they're natural, and it's OK to have one.
I actually quite enjoy feeling my cock pumping out cum all on its own.
Clever little chap!!
wow! 3 and 4 look good for dreaming about if your having a wet dream-let it flow ;)
I don't think I've actually ever had one. Since I've been JOing almost every day since I was 12, maybe I dont have any extra?
BTW, sorry for my lack of reciprocal commenting- I seem to be out of sync with your posts - plz forgive...
I've had some amazing sexual experiences through wet dreams.
Though these days they never seem to follow through like when I was young and full of cum.
@ Fluffy - I'm truly glad you have found the blog helpful; that is why I do this! Enjoy your cock all the more!!
@ O!Daddie - I love your comments - whenever you find the time! BTW - you began jacking off before you had the first wet dream (as I did). And, it appears you have had very regular, satisfying ejaculations and that's a good thing!
@ Justin - Yes, wet dreams do taper off as we age... Good thing or bad? It's a matter of preference, I suppose.
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