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Well, a much better connection this morning.
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The weekend brought thoughts to mind about all the different ways men attempt to resolve their lack of sex issues - especially all the married straight dudes. A buddy posted to his Facebook page that he's on the toilet, comes a knock on the door, and his wife says, "When you're done masturbating, I need you to go to the store."
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He denies it with, "I'm reading an article about Mars."
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"Well, I can hear you beating on the Martian from out here in the hallway."
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Obviously, his wife knows he jacks off - and, furthermore, it doesn't bother her. So, why, then, does he insist on denying it? Why hide in the bathroom? Why not be comfortable, kick back on the bed, and enjoy it?
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Do you still feel the need to hide your masturbatory activity from your partner or spouse?
Or, are you both comfortable being open about it?
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And, lastly, a new follower asks that I share his blog with you. Go. Enjoy.