Thank You!
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Wow... Just as I was beginning to think you all had had more than enough of me and my cock pontification, I get all those beautiful comments and emails! Thank you all so much for the congratulatory remarks and the encouragement to continue. I really love it - and you Ladies and Straight Dudes encourage me all the more. You are awesome, folks; really awesome.
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So, I must be allowed to brag on my buddy's behalf. He's gotten some very high praise for his debut novel, (Marvin's) World of Deadheads, from Publisher's Weekly and Writer's Digest - stalwarts in the publishing industry. Now, the follow-up has been released. This one is titled (Jenna's) Gang of Deadheads. It's a bit darker than the first, but the humor is still there.
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Show my buddy some love, folks - go out to Amazon and get your copy; either print or Kindle. Here's a link:
And, Amazon finally got smart: in the next 6 to 8 weeks, retail stores will be able to purchase at discounts and stock the book. If you don't find it on their shelves, they can easily order it for you. That's enough bragging for one week. But, allow me to prove that reading is sexy...
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N°8 The boy in the background seems to have found something even more sexy than reading.
"Reading is sexy"... Isn't it rather the readers who are ((or who may be) sexy?
Wishing you a merry Christmas filled with joy and pleasures with a lot of bisous on the organ of your sensitivity and of your sensuality.
Them's some good books and very sexy readers. Reading is FUN-da MENTAL! Wishing you a bonerific day, bro. Hugs and Strokes, AOM
Happy Holidays!
OH WOW! Must visit the library again soon! Hus, Patrick
A late thank you for the four years of education. Catching up on any missed Blogs always an extra treat.
Do you bestow a degree to those who completed the four-year program? Maybe a BA in MH (Male Humanities).
Also so nice to see some female cohorts sing your praises too. Hopefully those who completed the four years can move on to a Masters program. Jean
I'm mad for such books #10
#13 I bet he's tasting his cream!
it's so natural to support you! your blos is so sexy and nice and healthy!
Merry Christmas!
Love Nos.2&13!
@ Jean - Thank you so very, very much!
I must consider that...bestowing educational degrees to the most faithful of my Faithful Readers. You may be on to something there!
@ MFP - Mon ami, it is the act of reading that makes the man sexy - that is why "reading is sexy." My many bisous to you!
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